The Only One

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Phil responded to my text, but he thought it was coming from Hope, so he decided to be his annoying self.

Phil: Miss me already?

Hope: Not at all. I just need an answer. What time did you meet with Hannah on the day of the festival?

Phil: I'll answer you if you give me an answer first about something.

I rolled my eyes.

Hope: Tell me the question and I will decide if it is worth your answer.

Phil: Why are you wasting your time with that Jake guy when I'm available and interested in you?

I snorted. Hope kept her eyes closed, but smiled slightly. "Having fun there?"

"I'm about to," I replied. "May I write whatever I want?"

She giggled. "Yes. I trust your discretion--or lack thereof." 

I smirked.

Hope: Jake is handsome and charming, and he has eyes for me only.

Silence. OK, kicking that up a notch.

Hope: He is also the smartest man that I know, and he loves me more than anyone else ever could.

Nothing? Alright. I can take this one step further. I snickered.

Hope: Jake is fantastic in bed and his cock is huge.

Phil: Jesus Christ, I'm sorry I asked!

I bit my lip to stifle my laughter, but my body was shaking from it, jostling Hope on my lap.

Phil: Half past eight in the evening is when I met Hannah at the festival. Are you happy now? If you'll excuse me, I have to go wash my brain out with bleach to remove that image.

Hope: Goodbye, Phil.

"My word, you are having too much fun! Alright, let me in on your secret," Hope encouraged, opening her eyes and sitting up. I tried to read the texts to her, but I was cackling like an evil villain. I finally handed her the phone so she could see for herself. I chortled even more watching the comical surprise on her face as she read the conversation. "Jake!" she exclaimed and then broke into hysterical laughter. "I can't believe you said those things."

"Do you regret allowing me to impersonate you?" I asked, still smirking and chuckling.

She shrugged. "From my perspective, all of those things are true, so I don't see the problem. And you got an answer from him, so it all worked out fine." I grinned at her, pulling her in for a kiss.

Separating our lips, I looked at her suspiciously. "Did you allow me to do that just to boost my ego?"

"Is it bad if I did?"

I tilted my head. "Am I so childish and insecure that you must coddle me that way?"

She gave me a mocking look. "Would a sophisticated person such as myself tolerate a truly childish and insecure man in her life?"

She had caught me. I could not insult myself without insulting her. "I know I have been overly jealous of the men surrounding you, but to your credit, you are entirely irresistible. However, that is not a reflection of your behavior, and I apologize if I have made it seem that I believe otherwise. I am trying to ignore their overtures and remember that I trust you."

 "And I have noticed you working on it," Hope commented, kissing my cheek. "You did an admirable job with Phil at the bar. Even with those texts, you still showed restraint. I'm proud of you. How do you feel about it?"

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