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I lifted Hope up my body by the backs of her thighs; she anchored herself to me around my neck and waist with her limbs and began peppering my face and neck with kisses. "I missed you," I found myself saying as I carried her inside and locked the door.

"I missed you, too," she replied. "So, so much. I think if...when I go to work, you'll have to come with me, or I'll be lonely all day."

I chuckled. "Perhaps I will, then." Wait. What was I saying now? The strangest things came from my mouth since being with Hope. It was as if she lowered all of my defenses. And not just mine, either. "So now we have the story of Jennifer Hanson," I said, toggling back to the reason she was away from me. "I would love to hear your thoughts."

I brought us to the couch and sat with her straddling me. She lay with her head against my neck, arms tucked underneath mine and wedged between my back and the sofa cushion.  "I think our next order of business is to find out who pawned that bracelet. I don't think we should talk to Phil yet; I don't want to give away our knowledge to him."

"I agree. We also cannot tell Jessy, because she will run straight to Phil."

"Probably true. But I think we should still ask Cleo and Lilly about the bracelet," Hope suggested.

"But not Dan?"

"I have second thoughts about him meeting you. Dan seems to have a habit of spilling secrets when he's in his cups. And, he is in his cups a lot," she quipped.

"Fair enough. But won't he feel left out if we speak to the others but not him?"

"No, he said from the beginning that he wasn't interested in the investigation. If he changes his mind, we can loop him in. Until then, I'd rather keep you away from him, for your sake."

"My little protector." I kissed her forehead. "Overall, I agree with your assessment. I would like to supplement your ideas, though."

"Of course. This is your investigation, after all."

"This is not so much about the investigation as about how it is conducted. I don't want them coming here to see you. The fewer people who know where you live, the safer you are. I also..." I trailed off. "I am sorry. I am ordering you around as if you are my subordinate when in truth you are my equal."

"I love that you want to protect me, too." She was looking away, something that I had already come to notice was an indication that she was tired. "What was the other thing you wanted to say?" She leaned back slightly and her eyes ventured up to mine. I could see the effort it took her, so I leaned my forehead against hers and closed my eyes.

"I know you have an important job. But I would feel more comfortable if you could stay here...with me. As much as possible. When you must leave, I want to go with you. Even if I have to wait in the car."

"I can agree to all of that. But, Jake?"

"Yes, Hope?"

"We still haven't discussed what will happen if the CIA comes round."

My pulse increased and I opened my eyes. "Probably because I am trying not to think about it. If I do, I will want to take you and run as far in the other direction as possible."

Happiness flitted across her face. "Really? You would take me with you?"

"It is not what I want. But not because I don't want you with me. I don't want to upend the life you made here." Now it was my turn to look away uncomfortably, but Hope would not let me.

"No. No. I'm sitting on you, so you can't escape me this time," she said firmly, and cupped my face in her hands. "I only have this life that I made, thanks to you. I don't know what else they were planning to do to me, but it wasn't good. Aside from that, I made this particular life here, FOR you. I hoped that someday you could stop running and stay here. With your family, and with me. I wanted you to have a family to come back to, but I failed to keep Hannah safe. I'm sorry for that--"

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