Marge the blow up balloon

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"Harry I don't know if I want to watch the rest of these movies! Your already giving us grey hairs!" I hear Lily says to Harry I giggle and look towards Reggie. " I kinda agree with Lilly, I don't think I can take much more of my nephew in danger and having the manipulation of Albus Dumbledore happen to him." We have been hiding a secret for a long time now. I can only hope that they never find out. If they do I will be disowned and probably thrown into Azkaban for the rest of my life. Minnie walks up to the screen projector and puts another disk into the player and up pops "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."

The scene starts off with Harry practicing the spell of Lumos in his bedroom. He then hears a sound and lays on down his bed acting as if he is asleep when Vernon opens the door. When he closes it, Harry gets back up again and practices his spells again. The scene then changes to where it was day time. A door bell is sounded along with a loud woman's voice "HARRY OPEN THE DOOR!" I'm already not liking Vernon and his crew of whatever they are. I just hope none of this happens in the future if we can help it. Harry then goes to opens the door but when he reaches for it BAM! The door bangs open to reveal a large woman and a bulldog? Vernon the grabs the suitcase and drops it on Harry.

"Oh Merlin left tit is that a woman!" Sirius yells out. Lilly replies to Sirius's outburt "Yes sirius that is his sister." His jaw drops and we three look back at the screen.

Petunia then speaks to Marge "Marge! Welcome! How was the train?" Marge replies "wretched ripper got sick" Petunia says "ahh! How... unfortunate" Marge then replies "I would've left him with the others, but he wines so when I'm away. Don't you darling." She puckers her lips at ripper the dog.

The scene then cuts to Harry and Vernon. Harry is see unfolding a sheet of paper and hands it to Vernon. "I need you to sign this form." Vernon asks Harry "what is it for?" Harry shrugs and replies "nothing just school stuff"

Lily turns to Harry "it's your Hogsmead letter isn't it!?" He nods and she smiles.

"Later perhaps if you behave." Harry scoffs "I will if she does." Marge then walks in a eyes Harry "oh your still here are you?" Harry replies with a yes. The bloated woman repliesto Harry " don't say yes in that ungrateful way" Marge hands Rippers leash over to Petunia

Lily snorts seeing this. "Damn good of my brother to keep you" she tells Vernon "straight to an orphanage if he had been dumped on my doorstep Vernon."

"Umm Harry.. where are we?" I ask motioning to the Marauders, Reggie, and I. Knowing my brother has passed in the movies breaks my heart and to see my future sister-in-laws family do this to him, I can only hope I can save him from it. "You'll see and don't worry Aunt JP you get me out of there and teach them a lesson." A mischievous grin grows on my face as I look back at the screen.

"Good thing I wasn't left with you then isn't it!" Harry tells Marge. Laughter was heard near by. Hearing that Marge looks delighted. She walks up to the couch where the laughter had come from to see Dudley, Harry's cousin. He was watching tv and eating snacks. Marge wobbles up to the couch saying " is that my dudders? is that my little nuttypoo!" She hugs him around the neck and the dog jumps up and starts eating Dudley's snacks.

The whole great hall laughs at the nickname.

As Harry is cleaning the dishes Vernon brings a bottle of brandy "can I tempt you Marge?"

"Just a small one... a bit more... a bit more.. that's a boy!" Taking sloppy sip. "Ah excellent Nosh Petunia!" She then snaps her fingers at Harry and points toward the dog.

"Did she just snap her fingers at you! The frick noo! Please say I do something to her!" I ask Harry as He shakes his head no but he has a big smile on his face.

She smacks her lips and lowers her cup for ripper to take a slobbery sip out of her glass. Then she looks up to catch Harry looking
"What are you smirking at? Where is that you send him to Vernon?" she turns to him asking he replies " St. Brutus. It's a Institution for hopeless cases." Hearing this Harry smirks and glances at Vernon who raises his eyebrows with big eyes at the boy.

"I see. And do they use that cane a st. Brutus boy?" Harry then replies "oh yeah I've been beaten loads of times." Marge then says "excellent I won't have this wishy washy nonsense about not hitting people who don't deserve it. Still mustn't blame yourself for how this one turned out. Vernon it all comes down to bad blood. Bad blood will do it. What did you say the boys father did Petunia?"

Petunia speaks quickly responding "nothing.. he didn't work he was unemployed." Marge feeds ripper something off the table. "A drunk too no doubt." Harry angrily says "that's a lie" she speaks to Harry narrowing her eyes at him. " what did you say?"

"my dad wasn't a drunk!" The glass in Marges hand then explodes.

We all turn to look at Harry "yesss! Please tell me you did more." He nods his head and I look back up with a smile. The twins look at me with smirks "Ahh our Mad Potter came out to play." I roll my eyes and look at the point towards the screen. "This woman is messing with my family. No one messes with my family." I say that last part looking at Dumbledore. My fathers eyes follow mine and he looks to me with a questionable look.

Petunia then says "oh my goodness! Marge!" Vernon looks up at Harry, but Harry shakes his head. "Not to worry Petunia I have a very firm grip." Petunia then looks at Harry. Harry looks at the glass I'm surprise. "I think it's time you went to bed." Vernon says to Harry "not to worry Vernon" she then snaps her fingers and tells Harry to clean it up. "It doesn't matter about the father it has something to do with the mother. In the end it comes down to the mother. You see it all the time with dogs. If there's something wrong with the bitch there's something wrong with the pup." Harry then throws the towel on the floor and glares at Marge

Harry then begins to shout in anger slamming down the rag in his hands. "SHUT UP SHUT UP!" The lights then begin to flicker.

"There's the Potter and Evans temper!"
I high-five Marlene with a smile.

"Right let me tell you!" she then stops as her finger starts expanding. Then she starts getting bigger the dog starts barking. Her seams on her outfit start breaking and buttons popping off. She starts leaning backwards calling for Vernon telling him to do something. As Vernon gets up the dog then starts biting Vernon's ankles. I just see Dudley chilling there eating at the counter watching everything unfold.

When her necklace pops he looks up a little scared. He then gets hit with a button. The coo coo clock goes off. She starts floating up in the air she, and then floats outside "MARGE!" Vernon calls as she floats into the air he grabs a hold of her hands but then looks at her "don't you dare!" He then let's go and floats away calling out to her. Dudley stands there at the door watching tv.

Everyone in the great hall laughs. I high five Harry with a smile.

Harry then runs upstairs and kicks his furniture then looks at the picture of his parents dancing. He then gets all his stuff together in his trunk. He runs down the stairs with the trunk and Vernon is there "you bring her back! You bring her back right now!" Harry says back to him "no! She deserved what she got." Vernon then pushes Harry and Harry holds out his wand as Vernon cowers away. "Your not aloud to do magic outside of school" Harry then replies "yeah try me." Vernon then sneers "you can't go back now, you have no where to go!" Harry then says "I don't care anywhere is better than here."

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