Madam Rosemerta

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The scene then changed to show the moving picture on the poster, that was of Sirius with his Azkaban number on it. You can hear Rons voice come through the speakers "those weasels! They never told me about any Marauders Map!" Hermione looks over at the two boys "but Harry isn't going to keep it, He's going to turn it over to Professor Mcgonagall. Aren't you?" Ron says sarcastically "oh sure! Along with his invisibility cloak." Hermione looks over at a store "oh look who it is, it madam Rosemerta!" She smirks and looks over at Harry "Ron fancies her." Ron looks at her with an offended look "that's not true!" They watch as the woman hammers something on the door.

I turn towards Ron "Its okay Ron, all the boys fancy her at some point in their lives. I had to hear it from these six." Pointing towards the marauders, Reggie, and the Prewitt twins. Hermione giggles at a blusging Ron and she kisses him on the cheek.

"Professor Mcgonagall!" Minnie sighs, with a smile she turns to the man "Cornelius!" Harris works on the sleigh "pardon me" minnie chuckles "oh Hagrid" hagrid blushes "sorry about that" Cornelius was heard "Rosemerta my dear, I hope business is good!?" Rosemerta looks to him with a mad look "it would be a lot better, if the ministry wasn't sending dementors into my pub every other night!" Cornelius sighs "we.. have.. we have a killer on the loose!" She goes back to hammering the item on the door "oh, Sirius Black in Hogsmead, and what would bring him here?" The screen shows the three kids watching the adults talk. Cornelius whispers to Rosemerta "Harry Potter" Rosemerta turns to the three with a confused look "Harry Potter?!" Minnie and Cornelius quickly hush her. The four of them walk into her pub "come!"

Hermione and Ron both look at Harry, only to see that he wasn't there. The two both watch the footprints appear and walk closer to the pub. "Harry!" Hermione says trying to catch his attention. He bumps into someone "oh, I say!" Hermione and Ron quickly follow Harry into the pub only to be strapped by the voodoo heads "I say, no underage wizards allowed in today!" Another one says "shut the dang door!" Hermione gives the two heads a look "so rude!" She turns back to Ron, he just stared at them "thick heads!" Hermione closes the door behind them. The heads begin complaining "thick heads!" "How dare they!" "Who are they calling thick heads!" "Young whippersnappers!"

The movie shows what is inside the pub, the pub was full of people talking and drinking. Then it quickly changes to a grey door, Rosemerta's voice was heard. "Nobody's going to come to a pub where they're going to get scared out of their wits! Why?" Minnie replies "professor Dumbledore doesn't not want dementors around the place, I can assure you." Harry opens the door, Rosemerta closes it with an aggravated look. "Now tell me, what this is all about."

Minnie sighs "well, now years ago, when Harry Potters parents realized they were marked for death, do you remember?" Rosemerta nods "they went into hiding, few knew where they were. One who did, was Sirius black, and he told you- know- who!" Fudge says "not only did Black lead You-know- who to the Potters that night, but he also killed on of their friends, Peter pettigrew!" Minnie sits on the couch "Peter? "Peter pettigrew?" Rosemerta asks "yes, little lump of a boy, always trailing after Sirius Black!" Harry backs away panting as he watches the three talk "I remember him! Never let James and Sirius out of his sight! He also had a crazy obsession with James's sister. But what happened?"

I look over at Peter, his face was red, he looked like he wanted to crawl in a hole.
I pushed myself closer to Reggie, Reggie looks at me with a grin and holds me tighter.

Cornelius was making himself a drink when he looked up straight at Harry. "We'll Peter, tried to warn the Potters, and might have managed to, had he not run into an old friend... Sirius Black." Cornelius pours the liquid into a cup "black was vicious!" He says to the women "he didn't kill pettigrew, he destroyed him!" Minnie nods "a finger, that's all that was left, a finger! Nothing else!" Minnie stands up from the couch  "oh, yes, Sirius black may not have put hands on the Potters, but he's the reason they're dead." Cornelius stands with the two ladies "and now he wants to finish what he started." Rosemerta looks between the two "I don't believe it!" Cornelia hands the drink to Minnie "that's not the worst of it" Minnie sighs with a sad look on her face "what could be worse?" Minnie looks up at the woman "this, Sirius Black was, and remains to this day, Harry Potters Godfather." Harry backs away and runs out the door. A million things running through his head.

All that was heard is a sniff, Sirius turns to my brother "I'm his Godfather?" My brother smiles wrapping Sirius in his arms as Sirius cries.

He opens the door and walks out to the snow "Ron look!" Hermione points to the foot steps, they watch as they walk into a crowd of Christmas carolers, he pushes them down and continues to walk. Hermione wand Ron run in between them apologizing as they  try to catch back up to Harry. Ron tells them merry Christmas as they run away.

Hermione and Ron both walk up the snowy hill panting. They could hear Harry crying as they watch his feet walk towards the rocks Hermione goes to walk towards him, Ron stops her. Hermione walks closer to the sobbing invisible noise. She kneads in front of the rock, she reaches her hand out and takes off the cloak, revealing Harry. She look to him with a sadden look "Harry what happened?" He takes a few deep breaths "he was their friend..and he betrayed them." Then he screams out angrily "he was their friend! I hope he finds me, cause when he does, I'm going to be ready. When he does I'm going to kill him!" Harry stands up angrily from the rock thinking of why his aunt never told him about any of this.

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