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"That's it, come on now, come closer." Hagrid tells the kids. "I got a real treat for yer today, a great lesson, follow me." Hagrid then takes the kids into the Forrest. "Alright you lot less chattering and open your books to page 49." Draco looks down at the monster book "and just how do we do that?" He asks Hagrid "we'll just stroke the spine of course!" Draco looks at the book and strokes the spin as it purrs.Neville then falls to ground as his book begins to attach him. "Don't be such a wimp longbottom"

Draco turns around and apologies to Neville. "I already forgave you Draco besides you've changed a lot." I smile and continue watching.

"Okay I'm okay!!" Neville says as the kids laugh. Harry, Ron, and Hermione walk up. Harry pets the books spine "I think they are funny." Hermione tells them. "Oh yeah terribly funny, really witty, this place has gone to the dogs. Wait until my father hears that dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes!"   " Draco tells her.

Draco apologies to Hagrid and I bust out laughing "wait until my father hears about this! What is Lucius going to do!" Lucius looks over at me and mean mugs but I can tell he wants to laugh. He wasn't always who he grew up to be. He's always been a good person. I wonder what changed him after what I saw in the chamber of secrets.

Draco's friends laugh behind him "shut up malfoy." The boys go ooh Draco smiles and gives his bag to the little guy. He walks forward meeting Harry. Draco then backs up in fear screaming "dementor! Dementor!" He laughs as everyone has scared faces and turns around to see nothing there. When everyone turns back around the Slytherin boys put on their hoods and make ghost noises. Hermione turns Harry around walking with him "just turn away Harry."  Ron looking at Neville with his torn up clothes "you were supposed to stroke it." Poor thing Neville turns to Ron and says yeah.

Hagrid then clears his throat getting the student's attention "Da-da-da-da!" Turning showing off the hippogriff . All the kids look scared "isn't he beautiful!?" Hagrid throws food in the air for the hippogriff to eat and then  swallows it "say hello to buckbeak!" Hagrid tells them.
Ron asks "hagrid what exactly is that?" Hagrid answers "that Ron is a hippogriff! First thing you want to know about hippogriffs is that they are very proud creatures. Very easily offended, you do not want to insult a hippogriff. It may just be the last thing you ever do.  Now who wants to come say hello!?"

I raise my hand as my crew looks at me weird "what!? Do you see that thing can you imagine what it can do!?"

Everyone backs up quickly as Harry oblivious to them backing away just stands there watching the hippogriff.

"Definitely got your dads brains." James looks over at me offended "more like potter brains you raised your hand when he asked the question." I nod "that is true" we all three laugh

"Well done Harry well done!" Harry confused turns back to see everyone backed up behind him. Harry doesn't move "come on, now!" Ron pushes him to go. As Harry walks up to Hagrid he tells him "now you have to let him make the first move. It's only polite, now stand up, give him a nice bow then you wait and see if he bows back. If he does, you can go and touch him and if not.. well we will get to that later."

I laugh "I love Hagrid as a teacher!"  Hagrid blushes and continues to watch.

"Now just make your bow" Harry then bows to buckbeak "nice and low" the hippogriff squawks "back off Harry! Back off!" Hagrid tells him. Harry steps back, only to step on a stick. "Keep still" Harry obviously nervous listens to Hagrid "keep still" the hippogriff bleats and bows down to Harry. Hagrid chuckles "well done harry, we'll done!"

Hagrid then throws a treat to buckbeak "eh you go you big brute you." Harry exhales relieved "right now I think you can go and pat him now." Harry turns his head sharply at Hagrid "go on now, don't be shy" as Harry walks up to the hippogriff, Draco pushes people out of the way to watch closer beside Neville he takes a bite of his apple. Neville backs away, Draco just watches him.

"Nice and slow there.. nice and slow.. nice and slow" Hagrid whispers to Harry. Harry sticks his hand out to touch buckbeak "not so fast Harry" buckbeak backs away squawking. Hermione scared for her friend grabs her Ron's hand. They look at each other and slide away in different directions looking away from each other. "Slow down Harry, nice and slow." the bird squawks again,Harry gasps "now let him come to you." Hagrid instructs Harry. Buckbeak begins walking forward to Harry's outstretched hand. "There you go nice and slowly" Hagrid comments as the bird grunts lowly. The bird pushes his head into Harry's hand and Harry pets him with a smile. "That's it! Yes!" Hagrid claps "well done! Well done Harry! Well done!"  Then everyone started clapping "it's gonna get to fly?" He asks "I think he may let you ride him now."

Harry turns sharply nervous "what!?" Hagrid picks him up "hey hey hey hey hey hey!" "Put you over here!" "Ha-Hagrid!"and puts him on the back of buckbeak. "Just behind the wing joint" the hippogriff squawks again loudly. "Don't pull out any of his feathers, cause he won't thank you for that." Hagrid slaps the hippogriff  on the bum making him tear up and Harry to freak out holding on to the hippogriff tightly.  The hippogriff runs and sets off flying opening it's beautiful wings. We watch as Harry flys around Hogwarts. The hippogriff caws going over the water. Hagrid then sports them and calls them down. "Well done Harry! Well done buckbeak!" Hagrid helps Harry down as Malfoy comments "oh please!"
"How am I doing me first day?" Harry smiles to him "brilliant...professor"

Draco then pushes people out of his way "yes your not dangerous at all are you. You great ugly brute!" Hagrid turns around "Malfoy!" Trying to stop him, but he doesn't listen. Buckbeak rears  up at Malfoy scared trying to protect him self "no! Whoa!" We watch as buckbeak scratched Malfoy arm. Acting like he's dying he falls to the ground  buckbeak not listening to Hagrid as the kids run away to hide. "Whoa buckbeak!" Hagrid grows serious. The hippogriff caws as hagrid gives him something to distract him"away you silly creature." Draco then yells out "it's killed me! It's killed me!"

The future generation laughs holding their arms "it's killed me! It's killed me!" Teasing Draco. I look over to Draco who has a smile on his face laughing shaking his head.

"Calm down its just a scratch!" Hagrid tells Draco. Hermione runs up to them "Hagrid he has to be taken to the hospital." Hagrid nods "I'm the teacher I'll do it." Hagrid picks up a whimpering Draco "oh your gonna regret this!" Hagrid yells out "class dismissed "you and your bloody chicken." Draco whimpers

Buckbeak walks up to Harry nudging him in the face. Harry's jumps back back realizes it's buckbeak and pets him.

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