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This might not be the best one, but I'm working on it. I'm sorry about the wait, a lot has gone on. And I'm a teacher, so we just got out for summer break. So I'll be able to update more.
This is more of a filler chapter, I'll have more on the next chapter.

Regulus brought me back to our room when poppy said I was cleared to go. I looked over at the clock, it said it was 8:50 pm. I try to get up, but Reggie stops me. "I feel fine honey, I just want to go for a walk and get some fresh air. I promise if something happens I'll let you know." He debates for a second and then agrees "just be careful, I love you." I smile and kiss him "I love you too my love." When I walked out of our room, I walked to the kitchens "hello flower!" Flower appeared in front of me "hello miss Potter " I giggle and crouch down, opening my arms "flower you know I've been your friends forever now, you know you don't have to use formalities." She giggles "sorry miss Jayden" I smile hugging her and stand back up "how can I help you?" I pick up a basket from the shelf  "could we fill this with some food and drinks please?" She nods "of course miss potter." She takes the basket and walks away.

"I love flower! She's my absolute favorite house elf here at Hogwarts!" I say with a smile. Regulus smiles watching his girlfriend talk about her friend. He too knows the happiness of having an elf friend.

A few minutes later she came back with a basket full of things. "Thank you flower!" She replies with a hug "your welcome, have a great night Jayden." I nod with a smile walking out the door. It was now nine o'clock, I sat by the lake waiting for padfoot. A few seconds later he appeared, I turn as he shifts back "Sirius Orion black!" He gulps as I hand him the basket, he takes some food. "Why? Why would you break into Hogwarts!?" He takes a sip of water "I thought I could get him myself, and not bring you and the family into this.." I give him a small smile and put my hand on top of his "Padfoot, again this became our problem when we got the dark mark. We protect each other. Don't worry about Reggie and I, we can take care of us. We just need you to come home."

He sniffs and hugs me, I hear whimpers "I'm sorry... I just..I just want to come him so bad. I miss everyone. Staying out here,'s getting harder. I'm just scared that they might find me." I pull him closer to me "just wait..okay? We can do this together." He nods taking a bite of a apple. He pauses on the second bite, he starts putting everything into the basket "someone is coming, I have to go." I nod as he transforms, taking the basket into his mouth and runs away.

Footsteps were heard getting closer "thank goodness your alright! I've been looking everywhere for you!" I smile up at my husband "well here I am!" He sits down behind me, wrapping his arms around me. "I missed this, I feel like we are back in Hogwarts again. Hidden behind some bushes, cuddled up together looking out at the lake into the night, watching the stars." I kiss his cheek "I miss it too." He looks at me closer "what's wrong my love?" I look over and see familiar eyes of a dog "I'm just worried is all." He tilts his head "about Sirius?" I nod picking up his a hand and interlacing our fingers "yeah and Harry.." Regulus kisses the crown of my head. "Don't worry my love, everything will be okay. Now I don't know about you, but I think we should do like we used to after we met up like this and go grab some hot chocolate, and let me drop you off at your dorm." I giggle ad he takes my hand walking us to the kitchens. "Remus has our girl for the evening, he came to me saying "you guys hog her enough, now it's my turn." I just let him take her and I came out searching for you." I giggle as he pulls me closer to him, we finally made it to the kitchens "hello professors!" I hear a familiar voice say, I turn and reply to her "hello Ron, what are you two doing up this late?" I look over at Reggie asking the house elf for four hot chocolates. As a reply from the kids they just shrug. Reggie then walks over to us with the cocoa. "Here you go kids."  They tell him thank you and down it quickly. After a few minutes of conversation it was time for them to go to bed. "Good night kids!" Ron walks out telling us goodnight, while Harry stayed back for a second "goodnight aunt Jayden!" He says as he hugs me "good night uncle Reg." He also hugs regulus and walks out the kitchen. Soon Reggie and I were done with our cocoa. Telling the elves goodnight and thank you, he opens the door leading us to our chambers. We walk in and take a shower, about thirty minutes later we laid in bed cuddling "I love you Mrs. Black" he says kissing my lips "I love you too Mr. Black, goodnight my love." He tells me goodnight, pulling the chain on the lamp as the room goes dark.

I smile up at the screen, "well that was kinda cute!" He chuckles pulling me to him.

Happy Monday! I hope everyone is having a great day or night! Please remember that God loves you and I love you so please take care of yourself!

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