Potter Manor

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We then watch as I walk into Potter Manor, It looks renovated.... When I walk into the house there are four kids that run up to me yelling "Mommm! Mommm! Look what dad and uncle Moony got!" I look up from my beautiful black haired children.. yes the black gene was very strong with the hair gene and let me tell you.. dont tuch their hair. They freak out just like sirius and their father... its werid. I see two grown men with a Magical familair German Shepard puppy.

"Dang Regulus... why are all the blacks flawless and beautiful..it's no fair." I giggle ad I hear one of Reggie's friends at the Slytherin table say.
"My nieces and nephews are so beautiful!" Lily says I turn and smile at her " thank you flower! I have to say you've made a handsome one yourself too!" she giggles and looks back up at the screen. I look back an see James smiling down at us. "you want to say anything to about your nieces and nephews?" he gives me a micchievous grin... oh no..  "just know this time around we are all going to be a live and happy. I'll make sure them kids are pulling pranks on you two for all the years to come and I assume you would do the same." I give him a big smile " I wouldn't have it any other way!"
I turn around to see my kids and nephew looking at James and I with huge smiles. I smile to them and look back up at the screen.

I feel a huge smile grow on my face and walk  towards them. "And who is this?" I ask the two grown men who are going soft for the cute puppy. "This my love is Astra! Isn't she beautiful we will be taking her to Hogwarts with us along with the three kids over there." I give him a questionable look. "How do you know about us getting jobs at Hogwarts?" Remus takes out a piece of parchment.

"Dumbledore sent us this letter. I'm DADA professor this year!" my smile grows bigger on my face as I walk over and hug him. "That's great news Remus! We are all going to be working together this year! It will also be Harry's third year, Alya and James second year! All we have to really look after is this little one right here!" As I say as I pick up my baby girl that is now five her name is Athena Lily Black.

She giggles in my arms and holds her arms out for her daddy.  He doesn't hesitate either, she's such a daddy's girl. After we all ate dinner we got the kids ready for bed. Us being the old people we are, we stay up a little while longer watching our shows that we can't watch around the children. I am currently snuggled into Reggies side holding and petting Astra while she lays curled up snuggly in my lap. I feel a awkaward vibe in the air and look up to see Remus and Reggie looking at me nervously  "Okay what's up??" They both look at each other and then back to me. "You haven't seen the Dailey prophet have you?" I shake my head no. Remus gets up and grabs the paper off the table and walks back over to the couches.

"Sirius has escaped from Azkaban.." I blink a few times letting it process. Truly I never thought that Padfoot had done it. I always believe that he was set up.

"Thank you for believing in me JP!" He says kissing my cheek.

I nod, but I don't say anything, I get up and walk into the bathroom and run me some bath water. I can faintly hear the two men talking in the living room.  I grabbed what I needed from the bedroom and closed the door.

The scene changes to the two older men down stairs "Do you ever truily believed he did it Reggie?" Regulus shakes his head no. " He's my brother, I know we did not have the best relationship, but I know he would never do something like this. They say he worked for Voldermort... when I heard that I had never laughed so hard in my life. Sirius has too good of a heart and too much of a Gryffindoor pride to do something like this." Remus thinks on Regulus's  response " I agree, I just hope he forgives me for having a little doubt in the beginning, being my husband.. I never want to loose him Reg...I'm scared he'll hate me... I mean I just lost James and Peter and then my husband was taken away from me. Then on top of that you both told me about what happened at Hogwarts with Dumbledore... I just.. had a small pinch of doubt. Do you think he will hate me for that?"

Sirius hops intpo Remus's lap and gives him a huge kiss," never will I  be mad at you, never will I leave you... I'm sorry moony but I believe that your stuck with me for the rest of your life. Just because you had doubt for a little bit doesn't mean anything, the only thing that matters is that you changed your mind about it and that you are still married to me." Remus smiles and gives him a kiss and holds him in his arms as the movie progresses.

"Moony, Padfoot would never hate you for a bit of doubt. He loves you so much. I can't wait for us to finally be a fmaily again... hopefully Jayden can bring Harry here to live with us and we can then be completed. Never think for one second that Sirius would ever hate you. The dog is too much in love with you, its like he worships the ground you walk on." Remus laughs " I wouldn't go that far." Reg's face grows serious " I'm being dead serious Remus."

The scene changes back to me, I am now in the bed room brushing my hair out at my vanity. I look over, ther's a picture of all my family in it. My mother, my father, James, Lily, Me, Reg, Sirius, Remus, Harry. and the twins. I kiss my index and middle finger and press it against the picture. " I love you all and I promise to bring our boys home." I then get up and walk over to the bed, I lay down and stare out the window at the stars thinking about everything that has happened in our lives. we watch how I slowly drift off to sleep. About two minutes later reg comes in and lays down beside me wrapping me in his arms and kissing the crown of my head.

The scene chsnges to Remus in his pjs looking out at the stars holding a picture of Sirius and himself, it was their wedding picture of them at the alter. We watch as tears roll down his cheeks " where evr you are my love, we will find you and bring you home, I promise you padfoot, I miss you so much." unbeknownst to him there was a big black shaggy dog outside in the back yard of the house listening to every word they all said.

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