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As the students get off the train, I apparated to Dumbledores office, I walk in to see him sitting at his desk. "Jayden welcome to a new year!" I nod my head "what do you want Albus? You sent me a note on the train." He  clears his throat "I want you to be in DADA not in Care of Magical creatures" I nod my head and say okay. We both walk out to go towards the great hall. "What do you want to be called?" I smile to myself "Professor Potter" he looks to me "don't you think that-" I shrug and walk faster "nope! You can't make me change it, I really like it has a nice ring to it doesn't it." He then gets a aggravated look on his face, I smirk and turn around walking into the great hall, we walk in to see students singing.

I sit by Remus and my husband "did I miss anything?" They shake their head no. "Welcome! Welcome! To another year at Hogwarts, now I would like to say a few words before we all become befuddled by our excellent feast. First I'm please to welcome Professor RJ Lupin and Professor Jayden Potter who has kindly consented to fill the post of the Defence the Dark Arts and Professor Black as the new Astrology professor, Good luck to you professors." I then look out into the sea of student and see Harry looking at me. I give him a smile and a small wave and he sends me a angry look. Regulus leans over "babe he is not happy to see you, don't let it get to you. He doesn't know what we went through to find him and Professor Potter? Really? What happen to I don't know your married name?!" I laugh and kiss his cheek. "I wanted to tick off dumbles that's all." He laughs at me and sits back up in his chair, but I start to wonder why Harry would hate me?

Hermione, Ron, and Harry clap for us "Of course that's why he knew what to give you Harry!" Hermione tells him "Who is that? Jayden Potter? Could she be my aunt?!"Hermione since you knew about my dad did it ever say anything about a sister?" Hermione looks to me with a sad look "yes that's her she looks like her picture." Then the black twins walk over with Ginny and Neville "hi Harry! I don't believe we introduced ourselves. I'm Alya Black and this is James Black, we are your cousins." He grows confused "I had cousins at Hogwarts for a year and didn't know?! Why didn't you two say anything?" Looking at Neville and Ginny. "Don't get mad at them, we couldn't dumbledore told us not to, but mom said we can after she found out about it, by the looks of it Mom is ready to fight" Harry asks "fight for what?" Alya smiles "what she's been fighting for since she found out you were alive Harry, you" Harry then goes to shock.

" As some of you may know, Professor Kettleburn, our care of magical creatures teacher for many years, has decided to retire, in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs. Fortunately, I am delighted to announce his place will be field, but none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid!" We all clap for him and some cheers loud in the sea of students. "The kids are over there, how much you wanna bet that this is going to really tick him off." I hear Remus ask me "a lot! After they told me I said don't listen to Albus, you should've introduced yourself last year. " I grow a mischievous smile on my face.

"Finally on a more disquieting note, Hogwarts, as the request of the ministry of magic, will until further notice, play host to the dementors of Azkaban" students start talking I look to Harry worriedly.

Dumbledore continues "the dementors will be stationed at the entrances to the grounds.While they are under strict orders, not to enter the castle itself, you will on occasion see them as you go about your daily activities. Under no circumstances, are you to approach them, it is not in the nature of a dementor to be forgiving."

The students and teachers are now seen exiting the great hall. Remus, Regulus, and I were still in the great hall with Athena and Astra, we hear running feet making us look behind us to see our kids running up to us. "Hi mom! So we talked to Harry he seems cool and confused." I smile, "I'm happy you two finally talked to him!" Someone walks up behind us and clears their throat. "I think my Gryffindors should be getting to their houses." We all look to see minnie with a smile. "Minnie! Oh I've missed you!" She smiles and laughs "I missed you more, you were always my favorite student."

Gasps were heard by the marauders. "Excuse me!" And "Minnie how could you do this to me my love!" I laugh at them and shake my head looking at the poor woman. She looks like she is so done with them, but I know that she secretly loves them too.

We all leave out of the great hall going to our separate rooms "I'll see you tomorrow Remus!" He hugs me close and I hug him back even tighter. It was a understanding hug between the two of us, he lets go and kisses the crown of my head. Regulus and I say bye and walk to our chambers, when we walk in, the room was so cute! They even have a play area for Astra and Athena too! A house elf pops in. "Hello my name is Daisy I'll be the care taker for Astra and Athena while you are both teaching." I smile and hug her "thank you daisy" she nods and leaves. We all get our baths and lay down in the bed "goodnight my little star, we will see you in the morning!" I tell my daughter who lays in the middle of my husband and I. I look down while a smile noticing that she was already asleep. I look back to Reggie and see him asleep too kissing his cheek, I eventually falls asleep with a smile one my face.

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