The Marauders Map

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Harry watches from the clock tower at the kids outside playing in the snow, a good majority of the kids went to Hogsmead, including his two best friends. He sighs and then smirks, walking back to his room, grabbing his invisible cloak. He walks outside, trying to sneak off to Hogsmead, not realizing that he was walking  towards two red head twins, one twin looks at the ground and sees footprints  magically appear. The boy pushes his brother away from the snowman, pointing to the prints as it got closer to them. They quickly grabbed the invisible person, earning them a grunt and the boys smile. Harry sighs "guys let me go!"
"oh clever Harry" Fred smiles "but not clever enough." George laughs "besides, we've got a better way." Harry replies to both of them "Guys come on I'm trying to get to Hogsmead!" the twins both reply "we know, don't worry, we'll get you there. We'll show you a quicker way!" Harry starts making noises, Fred rolls his eyes "if you pipe down."Harry struggles some more " Aw, bless him" Harry starts to get aggravated "come on guys!"

They carry Harry over to an old stair case, "now Harry come and join the big boys!" Fred says as he rips off Harrys cloak. Harry looks at the two twins aggravted "what are doing?!" George hushes him and hands him a piece of parchment "what is this rubbish?"

The marauders all share a look

"Whats this rubbish he says, That there is the secret to our success!" Fred says Harry begins to open the parchment "its a wrench giving it to you, believe me." fred continued "but, we've decided your needs are greater than ours." Fred smiles to his brother " George, if you will" gesturing towards the parchment. George smirks and whips out his wand " I solemnly swear that I am up to no good!"  he says and puts his wand to the wand to the paper.

A drawing of Hogwarts castle appears with a red bubble, "Messieurs Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs are proud to present the Marauder's Map." Harry looks up to his friends with a questionable look, George tells him "we owe them so much." Harry opens it " hold on, this is a map of hogwarts!"  Harry watches as he sees peoples names walk across the map. He points towards Dumbledore's name "Is that really.." George replies to him " Dumbledore pacing in his study?" Fred contiues for him "he does that alot,"

Harry looks up at the two "so you mean, this map shows..." George replies "everyone" Harry looks at his aunt and baby cousins name as she moves around her and his uncle Regulus room,  he saw that Remus with her. He looked at the other part of the map to see his uncle Reggie in his classroom. "where they are." Fred says "what they are doing"George says Fred continues "evey minute"George finishes off "of everyday."

Minnie looks at the boys "thats how your doing it!" the boys smirk, she sighs "where did you get the map?" I smile towards my favorite professor "Minnie you might not believe this, but they made it." She sits there stunned in surprise, but also impressed by her favoitre students,

Harry smiles "Brilliant! where did you get it?!" Fred crosses his arms "nicked it from flich's office of course, First year" Geoge says "now listen, there are seven secret passageways out of the castle, we recommend" the twins both point to the map " this one!" George says "the one eyed witch passage way, it will lead you straight to honeyduke cellar." Fred points to the map "you best hurry, Flich is headed this way."George looks to the green eyed boy " oh and Harry, don't forget, when you're done, just give it a tap and say " both twins say "mischief managed." Harry watches as the map disapears "otherwise people will be able to see it." Harry's smiles to his friend, thanking them, and running off with the map and invisibility cloak.

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