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The next scene starts off with a woman walking down the halls of Hogwarts with her head held high, and her high heeled boots clicking on the floors. She then stops at the head masters door. "Acid pops" she says in a very soft sweet strong tone. The door then opens and she walks in. "Ahh Jayden.. welcome back.. have you come to give me an update?" He then turns to the woman, The picture then zooms out and you can see the woman clear as day. My eyes go huge.

"Damn my wife is hot!" I smirk to Marlene and give her a smile and giggle. "Of course! Gotta look my best for my one true love!" She then gives me her famous flirty smirk and her eyebrows wiggling. In reply I blow her a kiss and send her a wink. I look toward Reggie with a worried look, he grabs my hand then squeezes it, he's my support system through the things no one else knows.

"You bet I do, but not the update you want to hear Albus. I demand you put Regulus and I as teachers here. I will be the professor of care of magical creatures and Regulus will be the astrology professor." He then thinks about it. "Fine, but I expect a full report on Voldemort this week am I clear." I side eyes him looking at fawks. "We will see."
"Jayden do you remember why you got the dark mark?"

Gasps were heard all around the room I didn't look around I squeezed my eyes shut not looking at anyone just staring at the screen,they all know now. My eyes meet Reggie's, he gives me a small smile and lifts my wrist up to his lips and kisses my dark mark. I hear James says Sis in a low voice.

"Yes I do, you told me it was to protect Lily and James. No one would suspect a Hufflepuff." I see my future self get up from the chair and into his face. "Some good that did didn't Albus huh! They are dead now. I promised my brother with his last breath that I would protect his son with my life and I plan to do just that. None of this was for you. I hope you realize that and while I'm here you will not manipulate my nephew like you did me." I then turn and walk out I reach for the door "have a good day Mrs. Black." I open walk out and slam the door behind me.

" Damnn look at my wife go!" Marlene yells out.

We then watch a flashback, It was the night Lily and James died in Godrics hollow. I was seen being tortured by death eaters, they were wanting to know where my brother is. I was badly beaten up. They then quit and walk out to see what was going on. I then apparate out thinking of my brothers house. I am seen trying to walk the best way I could into the house and spot my brother on the floor. "James Fleamont Potter stay with me okay. Don't you dare close your eyes! Do you understand me." I try to save him, but I couldn't.

He takes my hand in his and puts his other hand on my check and turn my face toward his. I squeeze my eyes shut with tears running down my face. "Keep them safe for me please. Don't ever forget how much I love you. You are the best sister in the world. I Love you JP." I blubbered crying "I love you too JP." I say as I kiss his forehead. I look back down and his eyes close. I squeeze his hand and run up the stairs to see Lily on the floor of the nusery, but no Harry.

No... I know it wasn't Tom, so it had to be Albus. I immediately got up and ran down the stairs, but not before saying goodbye to Lily. I have two funerals to plan now.

I look towards James to see him coming toward me wrapping each other in a much needed hug. I hold in my tears as he squeezes me close. We turn and watch the rest of the scene. not letting go of each other. I see Harry sitting by Lilly holding her as she silently cries.

When I get to the bottom of the stairs, I see Remus and Reggie in the house with aurors around there is a blanket over James now. I see movemt out of the corner of my eye toward the kitchen. I look up and see that it is Albus. I walk towards him, "some good that dark mark did huh Albus they are dead now. Are you happy! Where is Harry!!" I look at Remus and Reggie talking to aurors wondering where Padfoot is.

"You have to know Jayden that now because you have the dark mark Harry will never love you, he will never forgive for what you you have done to his father. He's with Petunia and know this Jayden Potter I will never let you take care of him, even if my life depended on it." He then walks over to Reggie and Remus and talks to them. I..I am just too stunned to talk at all. I can not believe he said that to me! That manipulative old coot! Moony and Reg come up to me after it was all through and wrap me in their arms.

Another flash back is seen now...

We are now seeing my younger self in Dumbledores office. "Hello Jayden I have a request that you might can help me with. To save your family, your brother and friends I suggest you take the dark mark so you won't be as useless. I think it will help you protect them and be my spy on the inside." I nod my head "I'll do anything to help! I want to keep them safe."

The scene then cuts to where you can see me screaming and crying on my knees taking the dark mark from Voldemort. When it was done I look up, My eyes meeting Regulus Blacks as he walks over to he walks over to me to help me off the ground. When I looked over to his mother she gave me a proud smile. Dissapointed knowing her son might be with a Potter, but that I will be on the dark wizards side... a death eater.... something I never wanted to be.

I couldn't take anymore I ran out of the great hall crying with Someone running behind me I can only guess that it's Regulus. He comes up to me and wraps me in his arms. "Your okay, I think everyone is stunned at what happened. They will finally see who they really are."

I nod my head and we slowly open the doors trying not to make a sound entering the great hall, but to my luck that did not happen as everyone's eyes were on us. When we walk in it's completely quiet, my father and to my suprise Orion Black and Abraxas Malfoy get up and starts yelling at Dumbledore. I look around to see everyone still looking at us. James, Lily and, and Harry get up along with Sirius.

When they walk up to us Sirius wraps his brother in a hug while the other three wrap me in a group one. "I'm so sorry I couldn't save you." James shakes his head and holds my hands in his as the other two stepped back. "you can't do that to yourself. You were getting beaten while I was getting killed." He wraps his arms around me and hugs my tight then he let's go and looks down at my wrist. "You have it don't you, the dark mark?" I nod and show him. My mother then wraps me in a tight hug. "It will be okay we will figure it out. I promise." I cry on her shoulder as she hugs me tighter. My dad then comes up and takes me in his arms crying on my shoulder. "Thank you for taking up for me and not hating me or disowning me." He shakes his head putting his hands on either side of my face. "I would never do that to you. Your my baby girl. Also I'm pretty sure those conversations were never supposed to be heard by anyone else. I'm just happy I got to see them." I nod and take Reggie's hand in mine and he squeezes it, and kisses my cheek. As we walk back to the couches I see Reggie looking at his father and his father looking back to him with a smile. Dumbledore is under auror supervision at the moment. Apprently Minnie gave him a punch in the face too as James tells me. I am just happy it didn't take a turn for the worse when they found out.

"you know what I can not get over? The fact we serve a man who wants to kill off half blood and muggleborns, but he himself is a half blood!!" I hear Evan tell Lucious and Bellatrix. I see them nod in agreement. I think after these movies they will not be serving voldermort anymore.

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