The Truth

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We had been riding for two months

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We had been riding for two months. I had finally gotten over my sickness which was a relief to both Jaime and I. Jaime made efforts into planning so many dates for when we stopped riding, the King ordered oftenly. Cersei gave me glares here and there maybe because I stole her twin brother away I had guessed because he won't be staying with her anymore in King's Landing meaning she had only her children and no other family. Hopefully one day we can work something out since I wanted to be closer with his family. Jaime and I decided to announce our pregnancy 2 weeks after knowing that people will suspect him of taking my virtue before marriage or me being with another man. That's what Cersei said... but Jaime shut her mouth before the conversation escalated .

Currently I was laying down on the grass alone. I wasn't going to bring Daleryion with me since the East was no place for a direwolf.  It tore my heart hearing her cries but I had to do it, it was for the best. I took Natalie with me as well, Lady Stark tried to fight for her but Natalie stated she would rather be with me.

I closed my eyes, inhaling the air. We were out of the North meaning there was no snow in sight. I loved it, being able to step on the ground and no snow being on my feet. The heat was the best part, my skin was never cold and I never had to wear my coat. I was able to run around and roll in the grass. And I loved it .

Soon I heard ruckus. I opened my eyes and rose up from my lying position and looked where it was coming from. I heard Sansa screaming and I instantly started running to where the screaming was coming from. I saw Arya with a blade pointing at a wailing Joffrey, the grass was stained with blood. It was coming from his arm.

"STOP IT, YOU'RE RUINING EVERYTHING." Sansa yelled as tears were coming down her face. I looked at Joffrey knowing he would make Arya pay or what she's done the second he was healed. Arya and I made eye contact, her breathing was growing fast. I muttered the words 'run'. She nodded her head and ran as fast as she could till she was out of sight. I ran toward Joffrey who flinched away.

"It's alright, let me see how deep it is." I said softly. He glanced at me before letting me do what I had to do. During this journey I took notes and lessons from Maesters after Bran's accident . I didn't want to feel helpless like that again.  I rolled up his sleeves noticing the gash, this couldn't have been Arya, it looks like bite marks.  I gasped but Joffrey took notice so I quickly gave him a reassuring smile. It was deep and they would leave scars.

"We'll need to hurry, I don't have the materials to repair this. So Joffrey,  me and Sansa will help you up. It might hurt but once we get back you'll have the proper care." I spoke but Joffrey glared at me and shook his head.

"No! I don't want her touching me!" Joffrey yelled. I could tell his words hurt her yet I didn't want to say anything. I sighed before gripping his heathy arm causing him to yell and weep.

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