The Battle of the Last Dragons

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Layarah sat on the chair for hours next to her son's bedside. Her hair was messy, dried tears on her cheeks. Her fingernails had skin inside them, her wrist bleeding as she sat emotionless. She was done, she was so done. Bag painted under her eyes, her skin paler than normal, her eyes only being seen as black. She was drained, she had lost so much in only a matter of weeks. She didn't understand how he was right in front of her and within a matter of seconds he was gone. Like thin air.

The doors opened yet that didn't make Layarah move from her position as she tried to imagine the way how she could've saved her son. The ways how she could've been faster. She replayed the event in her head, hearing her screams, remembering Jaime's face when he saw their son on the sand.

Jaime looked over at his wife, his eyes bloodshot red. He walked over to her and bent down on his knees, placing his hand on hers which was resting on her lap yet she didn't look at him just kept muttering under her breath 'faster'. Jaime tried to make eye contact with his wife, trying to see what she was thinking. But when he looked at her she didn't look like his wife. She didn't look like herself at all. Yet when she finally stopped her mutter, tears were threatening to spill as she looked up at Jaime.

"Our son is dead." She said lowly, under her breath. But once she spoke those four words she began to scream. Her screams are heard through the hallways of the silent castle. Kicking and screaming like she had gone crazy. So many people have been taken away from her but her son? Her first born? If she wasn't going to turn into the Mad Queen before she definitely was now. "HE'S DEAD HE'S DEAD HE'S DEAD!" Layarah screamed as she looked over at her son's dead body. Jaime grabbed onto her and embraced her into a hug. "JAIME PLEASE! PLEASE LET GO OF ME, PLEASE!" Layarah sobbed. She couldn't breath, as she was screaming she couldn't breath. Her son's dead body kept replaying in her mind, Daenerys' face replayed in her mind. "LET GO OF ME. JAIME PLEASE PLEASE." She tried to break away from his embrace, kicking and hitting yet the two sat together, Jaime allowing her to cry and scream while he took the hits. Then she stopped. " He didn't deserve this, he was just a boy... my boy." Layarah sobbed in the crook of his neck.

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