A Wedding A Funeral

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Author: So I never really told you how to pronounce Layarah's name since I thought it was easy but my friend was struggling to pronounce her name

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Author: So I never really told you how to pronounce Layarah's name since I thought it was easy but my friend was struggling to pronounce her name. So this is a little side note.

To pronounce her name, Lie-yar-uh. I hope that solves any confusion that you might have. And I'm pretty sure Vhaegal's name is easy to pronounce as well and if it's not it's simply saying Vhaegar just without an r and replace it with an L.

And at this point in the book Manarr and Vysehrys are a little bit bigger than Daenerys dragons at the point of Season 4.

And I'm just going to remind everyone of Layarah's titles that she had gained. Her name is, Layarah Lannister, Lady of Etril, Lady of Casterly Rock, The Natural Queen, The Winter Dragon, The Blood Queen, The Mother of Dragons, The Reborn, Dragonrider, The rightful heir to the Iron Throne, The rightful Queen of the Andal, the Rhoynar and the First Men.

Layarah smiled as she watched the Lord of Highgarden with her dragons laying down by her feet, Lord Tyrell walked to Joffrey. Lord Tyrell was the son of Olenna Tyrell. He wasn't as smart as his mother nor as clever as he thought he was. People walked over the man without his knowledge. He makes little threats without actually making them happen. Layarah knew she could feed off the Lord if his daughter wasn't to wed Joffrey.

Lannister's have money but Tyrell has so much more. It would be a great asset to Layarah if she gained their gold. Layarah scratched her wrist anxiously, she had gotten more nervous since she's been back. Even when she had her dragons she looked at every single corner swearing there were ears everywhere. She hated that she couldn't speak freely, afraid of what might happen to her or her and Jaime's son. Jaime picked up on his wife's behavior so he placed his hand over Layarah's, stopping her from scratching. The two made eye contact before smile's filled their faces. Love was seen in their eyes, adoring one's presence.

"Your Grace, it is my honor to present you with this wedding cup." Lord Tyrell said as he held up a golden wedding cup. Ros walked over to her Lady and brought Vhaegal back to Layarah. Ros had taken the boy away from the noise to watch the dragons, building a stronger connection with Manarr.

Layarah quietly thanked Ros before handing Vhaegal to Jaime. Vhaegal's mood always brightened when he was near his father. He wouldn't want to go with his mother sometimes, hiding his face under his father's chin.

Jaime smiled as he was given his son. He pressed kisses on the boy's head before placing him on his lap. Vhaegal watched as the Lord spoke.

" May you and my daughter Margaery drink deep and live long." Lord Tyrell said as he placed the cup down on the table in front of Joffrey before going back to his place, his hands and arms straightened to his side. Layarah raised a brow at the boy king.

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