Chapter Three

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Raphael came into his kitchen to find Evelyn already hard at work, furiously chopping away at some vegetables.

"What have those poor leeks ever done to you?"

Evelyn looked up. She opened her mouth to talk but couldn't bring herself to do it, so snapped it shut again. She moved on to mushrooms and Raphael did not envy the person she was thinking of watching her hack away with that knife.

"You sure you don't want to talk about it?"

Evelyn's hand paused mid-mince. "What's there to talk about? The entire world knows my problems."

"Evie, the world knows nothing about you. Not the real you. I know when you are hurting."

A heart-wrenching sigh escaped Evelyn's lips and Raphael wrapped her in a comforting hug.

"Please don't. You'll only make me cry," Evelyn said, pushing him away.

Raphael shook his head in dismay. "And what is wrong with a few tears?"

Angrily swiping one away, Evelyn answered, "I'm afraid if I start I may never stop. How can he do this to me... again?!"

"I take it things didn't go well at the bank today?"

"Denied. They don't want to deal with me. They believe I don't have enough business sense to make the restaurant a success. I'm too high risk."

"That's nonsense. You are the most disciplined chef I have ever hired. Your organizational skills have totally changed how we do things here. I've saved so much money implementing your ideas. This kitchen has never been so efficient."

Evelyn smiled. "Can I bring you to my next meeting? At this point, I need a good PR agent if I expect to get anywhere."

"I am at your service. Although, I would not be heartbroken if you chose to stay working with me." Raphael gave her a sheepish grin.

"Ah, and there is the ulterior motive. Just like every other man in my life. You'd probably only sabotage my next meeting."

"Sabotage? Me? Never!"

Evelyn laughed at Raphael's indignant look and it felt good.

"So, what really has you so worked up?" Raphael asked dumping the minced mushrooms and leeks into the pot of soup she was preparing.

"The usual, Jackson being Jackson, making me appear the simpleton."

Raphael's eyebrow rose.

"What?" Evelyn did not appreciate the scrutiny of Raphael's gaze.

"You have been dealing with banks and Jackson's exploits for months now. It's been some time since I've seen you this worked up."

Evelyn thought about what she did that morning. She was so not the type to just kiss a random stranger. To make matters worse, the stranger she kissed didn't feel like a stranger. The kiss felt like... home. Like she found where she belonged and she can't get it out of her mind. No, she was being crazy. Wasn't she?

"It's guilt," was all Evelyn was willing to admit.

"Guilt? Have you been a bad girl?" Raphael teased.

"Shut up. You know what I've done and you know it's not like me to do it. I got some innocent man punched in the face today. All so I could prove a point to Jackson that he isn't so immune when the one cheating is me."

"So, did you? Prove your point?"

"Yes. No. Oh, who knows what sinks into that thick skull of his? I feel horrible that I didn't even get to say I was sorry. I don't even know the man's name. All I have is the order slip from the takeout he left behind. Guess he made a run for it before having to go a second round with Jackson."

"Can't say I blame him there. Do you have the slip with you?"

Evelyn nodded and grabbed her purse. She pulled out the slip and handed it to him.

"I know this place. They make the most delicious cheeseburgers. My friend Ricco is the owner. Perhaps I can make a call and inquire about this ... stranger?"

Raphael tried not to react to the brilliance of hope that showed on Evelyn's face. It has been a long time since he'd seen it in her eyes but all too quickly the light dimmed.

"No. What would be the purpose? Okay, I can say I'm sorry but what good does that do?"

"You could offer to pay his medical bills if he's been truly injured," Raphael offered.

Evelyn waved the knife in her hand at him. "Don't make this harder than it has to be. He has to know who kissed him by now. If he was out for money he would have tracked me down or sent a lawyer."

"So, you believe him to be a man of integrity?" Raphael asked intrigued.

"I don't know. I only kissed him."

"For quite some time, too."

Evelyn glared at Raphael. "You are not helping."

"Fine." He snatched the slip out of her hand and before she could protest, called the restaurant.

"Ricco! Raphael here. Yes, Dominique is doing quite well. We are expecting a new baby soon. Yes, my third. Time flies, doesn't it? Why am I calling? A friend of mine was curious about a customer you had in your place today. He ordered one of your deluxe cheeseburgers and a portabella mushroom burger with provolone cheese."

Raphael looked impressed as he read the order. "He's got good taste."

Evelyn thought she would never forgive Raphael for doing this until she heard...

"Excellent. Calem Decker. He's a regular you say? Do you know where he works? No, but he orders from you often. Do you think you could give me a call next time he places an order? Why? I umm... "

Evelyn heard a raucous laugh on the other line, and a look of relief soften Raphael's worry lines. "Thank you, my friend. I appreciate the help."

Raphael hung up the phone and handed the order slip back to Evelyn.

"Calem Decker?" Evelyn mused, putting the slip back into her purse. When she looked up, she'd seen Raphael frowning at his phone.


"This man must be living in the Dark Ages."

"Why do you say that?"

"I can't find a Calem Decker anywhere on the Internet or at least not one that matches his picture. He's a ghost, a shadow. How is it possible not to have a profile anywhere?"

"Maybe he's in the witness protection program?" Evelyn giggled at her own silliness.

"Well if he is, he certainly is in trouble now. His name may not be known but thanks to you and Jackson his picture is everywhere."

Evelyn worried her bottom lip. She hadn't thought of that. She was used to being under the scrutiny of the press but for a total newbie like she was certain this Calem person was, it could be quite overwhelming.

"Tell me I didn't just ruin this man's life?"

"If he's not wanted, a witness, or has a wife, he should be fine."

Evelyn groaned. She didn't know how but she had to put things right. Calem shouldn't have to pay for her stupidity.

Raphael's phone rang and his eyes lit up in surprise. "Seriously? Right now? Okay, thank you."

When he hung up he looked at Evelyn with a huge smile on his face. "It seems fate isn't through with you yet. Since Mr. Decker lost his lunch in the fight with Jackson, he's placed another order. It seems he's still hungry. If you go now you may just get there in time to intercept his pick up."

"No. I shouldn't go. I have work to do here," Evelyn said, lamely.

Raphael took the knife out of her hand and untied the apron at her back. "Go!"

Evelyn looked about to fight him but instead shrugged out of her apron, grabbed her purse, and sprinted for the door.

"That's my girl. Good luck."

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