Chapter Ten

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"Kate, Janice, shut the door, will you?"

Janice reached behind her to close the door to Mr. Fennick's office.

As you know, it's not safe for Calem to return to the office. "Janice, for the time being, I'm reassigning you to Kate. We have a mole in the office that is feeding information to Know Now."

"What?" Kate was stunned.

"You don't seem so surprised?" Mr. Fennick asked Janice.

"That's because I'm not. It was clear from the first article that Kaylee had information she shouldn't have. I've been trying to help Calem figure it out."

"And what have you discovered?"

"Not a whole lot." Janice flipped through the file folder in her hand. "Here is a list of people that would have the longest access to the article, but I've highlighted the two I believe to be the most suspect."

"And they are?"

Janice handed over the list. "There's Nick. He edits Calem's column because Calem doesn't trust himself to edit his own work and Brett, not only is he the Feature Editor, he took the finished file to the printers."

Kate looked over the list as well. "Honestly, everyone on the editorial team would have their hands on it briefly, but I agree with Janice. Nick and Brett would have the longest access to it, and therefore would be able to copy it the easiest."

"That's what makes this situation so difficult. We need to find out who gave Kaylee access."

"My money would be on Brett," Kate said.

"And why is that?"

"Brett wants his job. He's been here longer. He was pretty upset when you brought Calem in cold to take his place in line. I've heard the other editors gossiping about it."

"So, he has a motive. What about Nick?"

"I'm with Kate on this one. I don't really see it. Nick not only lacks a motive he's been complaining nonstop about Calem. How this place doesn't run as well without him and how he can't wait until he comes back," Janice offered.

"You two are the closest to Calem on staff. I'm trusting you to keep an eye out for me and report back anything you see or hear that might give us a lead."

"Absolutely," Kate agreed. "Anything else?"

"Nope, keep up the good work."

Kate opened the door and Janice followed her out saying, "This is messed up. Calem is the best boss this place has ever had. Outside of Fennick, himself, of course. Why would anyone want to sabotage him?" 

"That's why I think it's Brett. He the only one who as a motive," Kate said. "I hope Calem will be okay. He must be devastated that all this is happening to him."

"He's gone home to Missouri," Janice said as they entered Kate's office.

"Missouri? He's gone home? He's not even in New York?"

Janice was about to answer but there was a knock on the door. Brett peeked in.

"Hey, girls, any idea on what the boss is planning to use to replace Sasha's column?"

Kate shook her head no and Janice shrugged.

"Guess now would be a good time to pitch some of my ideas to the old man."

Kate and Janice exchanged a brief glance at one another. "Good luck!" Kate said and Janice gave Brett a thumbs up.

"Yeah, I think he may definitely be our guy," Kate agreed.


Jackson landed at New York's JFK airport exhausted after the long hours on the plane made even longer since his producer didn't pay for a nonstop flight. He got to the condo in New York only to discover Evie was gone.

"What do you mean gone? To where? Did she say when she's coming back?" Jackson asked, harassing management.

"Um... no sorry, Mr. Brewer. She only said she was going out of town and asked that we hold her mail. Oh, and not to be alarmed because she gave the neighbor a key to water the plants."

"What the hell!" Brewer stomped off to his apartment. He desperately wanted a shower and to get changed but couldn't because all his clothes had been sent to LA.

He had no choice. He pulled out his phone.

"You have a lot of nerve calling me."

"Where is she, Dina? I know she wouldn't leave without telling you."

"You're right, she did tell me, and guess what I won't be telling you?"

"She's with him, isn't she?"

"What if she was? What do you care? You've been hooking up with women all over New York and beyond. You welcomed anyone who wanted to get into your pants. She's over you, Rip... your leading lady has found a new, much more endearing leading man."

"You think so. He's a phase. Evie used him to get to me. I know she still loves me and I'm going to prove it."

"Yeah. Okay. Good luck with that."

"Where is she, Dina?"

"Why not let your love for her guide you, Jackson? I'm sure it won't steer you wrong." And with that Dina hung up on him.

"I could wring that woman's neck," Jackson swore and dialed a new number.

"I told you never to call me here."

"Too bad, I need to find Evie."

"Poor you. You lost your fiancé, what makes you think I'd know where she's hiding?"

"Because I've been led to believe she's with Calem Decker."

"Oh really? Well, then you might be in luck. I know exactly where Calem Decker is."

"Finally, someone has something to tell me that I want to hear. Where is he?"


"Missouri as in the Mid-West?"

"I'm impressed you knew that, Jackson. Perhaps you're not the neanderthal I thought you were. Kansas City to be exact. I'll text you the address."

"I have to get her back."

"Or perhaps you'd be better off, launching a negative campaign before you go."

"What did you have in mind?" Jackson asked intrigued.

"It's not safe for me to talk here. The entire office is under suspicion. They know there is a mole. I'll meet you at TAO, at seven, and Jackson... don't be late."

Jackson knew he needed to wear something better than what he had on for dinner. He had to keep up appearances. If only he knew what his informant had planned. They had best not waste his time. For Jackson time literally was money and if he didn't want his to run out, he'd needed to get Evie back, and soon.

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