After the war ended!

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The great battle between Phoenix King Ozai and Avatar Aang was finally over and peace was once restored to the great nations of the world. Princess Miozomi finally learnt to control the abilities of the mighty beast and is using them for the greater good, she with the help of her brother, Fire.lord Zuko created a task force to hunt down any remaining Dragon slayers and have them punished for their crimes against the crown. Katara and Miozomi decided to remain best of friends despite the tension that lingers with them both. Toph went on to be the greatest police chief there ever was and created an institute for metal bending, Jian never returned back to the group and decided to live his remaining life with his parents until their final days but always came once in a while to check up on the gaang. Sokka and Suki lived a fruitful and loving life together, Zuko and Katara got married, having two wonderful little girls, Izumi and Kya. All around the same time Aang and Miozomi got married and had their children, Bumi their eldest and Tenzin their youngest boy, all was well for the gaang, but now we look forward to the new Avatar and their story, and maybe a new dragon....only time will tell.


"Hi my precious, welcome to the family, my little Aurania" Firelord Izumi says holding her new born daughter in her arms, the baby cooes at her mothers touch and smiles bright, just like the morning sun, being born at the dawn of day.

"Hi my precious, welcome to the family, my little Aurania" Firelord Izumi says holding her new born daughter in her arms, the baby cooes at her mothers touch and smiles bright, just like the morning sun, being born at the dawn of day

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(.Baby Aurania.)

"Mother, what's the meaning of her name?" Izumi's eldest child, Iroh II asked while looking at his baby sister, causing his mother to chuckle at his amazement of his new sibling.

"Well my darling boy, it mean goddess of the dawn. It's only fitting for your sister, don't you think?"

Iroh hmm's at this and gently holds his sisters hand, the little princess sensing the touch of her brother grasp his finger in the palm of her little hand and holds it tight. Iroh takes a little closer look and see's streaks of white mixed with dark jet black hair, amazed he gently takes the baby girl into his arms and holds her gently, Aurania immediately cuddling close to her older brother, almost purring.

"Why is her hair a little white like Gran.Aunt Miozomi's?" He asks not taking his eyes off the little angel in his arms.

"Well that's because one day, when's she's a bit older, she might possess the abilities of a dragon, but we won't know that for sure yet"

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