The voice in the night I

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🔥~Aurania's POV~🔥

Chapter: 1 Epi: 4
Part: 1

News Alert!:

Benders be on alert. After coming face to face with Amon, leader of the Equalists, Princess Aurania and Avatar Korra discovers a terrifying truth: this masked madman has the ability to take away a person's bending permanently. Benders of Republic City are counting on their young Avatar. But is Korra prepared to face such a frightening foe?

A frightful scream is heard above the still quiet room causing me to jump up from my sleep in a panic.

"I'm up! I'm up! Where's the fire!" I yell looking round in a fast motion, noticing Korra by my right, panting hard, with bead of sweats running down her face. Naga who i didn't even notice before instantly perked up and began licking her owners hand with soft whines. Korra stares at me sadly and moves to rub Naga's head in thanks, the polar bear-dog rested her head in Korra's lap.

"It's...It's all right, Naga. I just had a bad dream." She stroked Naga's ears silently for a moment. I continue to stare at her in worry but she just gives me a weak smile as if telling me she's okay, I know she isn't but I won't push it. Smiling slightly, I give her a side hug before gesturing for her to lay with me, facing one another, we stare off into each other's eyes. One holding more secrets than the other.

"Will you tell me...when you're ready?" I ask slowly raising my hand to her face, hesitating at first but give in and caressed it, her eyes close at the feeling, she reopens them once more and looks at me, sighing in exhaustion.

"It was just a scary dream, I was...defenseless and weak, I never want to feel that way ever, if I do, I won't be able to protect the people I care about, to protect you." She says that last part looking me in the eyes, I am so lost for words that I can't say anything, slowly I feel her leaning in, more and more, eyes focused on my lips, I feel myself holding my breathe, out of unconsciousness, I close my eyes shut, awaiting her next move, but I feel her lay a gentle kiss on my forehead, ever so tenderly, I let out a sigh before speaking.

"Umm...I-I think we s-should try and get sleep, I have a council meeting later today."

"Oh, alright then, goodnight."

She starts to turn the other way but I stop her, confused but a smile graces her lips when she sees that i layed her hand out so I could rest my head on it, slightly curling up to her side, she turns and wraps an arm around me, the night taking us both away once again.


The next morning, I sat among the representatives at City Hall with my fellow council members, holding a meeting based off various events that's been going around which are the new developments in the situation with the Equalists, our newly appointed and might I add, young Southern Water Tribe's councilwoman, Yulin, is trying to keep up with the Northern Water Tribe councilman Tarrlok, who I must say is extremely difficult to work with.

"There is a madman running around our beloved city, threatening to tear it apart. We need to create a task force whose sole mission is to find Amon and bring him to justice," Tarrlok explained pressing a single finger onto the table with his last word.

'Oh agni, someone save me, in all honesty, I'm getting bored and tired of all these delegations.' I thought seeing the scene play off in front of me.

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