Individual Assessment

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Willows P.O.V

Yesterday when I got to the penthouse Tyler was right. I was Attacked by hugs and questions. When I told them the whole story , Haymitch and Effie were just shocked. While Tyler was just furious.


Today we take the individual assessment. I have on the Training uniform and combat boots. Right now I'm eating breakfast with the rest of them.

I m eating two pancakes and water. " Today I want you two to show off your two best weapon skills." Haymitch said. " so archery and knives " I said then I finish eating and go to my room to do my hair.

I put it in a French braid and when I finish, I go outside to where Tyler is waiting. " Finally " he said. " Sorry, I girl's got to do what a girl's got to do " I said.

We walk to the glass elevator and go to the same room we were in last year for the Individual Assessment. We were the last ones to arrive. We sit in the bench numbered 12 and wait until they call our names. Derek Miller and Jordan Black from District one had already left.

I think about the games in two days. Two days. Two days where everyones smiles go away. Two days where everyone turns on each other . Two days until we enter the slaughter. Two days.

" I cant do this " I tell Tyler. " Do what?" Tyler said. " Tyler, I can't do this. How are we going to kill these people " I whispered.

" I don't know, but I know we're on someone's kill list. " he said nodding his head towards Josh. " I swear, If he even touches you. " " Josh Hunter District Two. " The voice of the head gamemaker, Carson Blacksmith , announces.

Two hours later...

"Tyler Dawson, District Twelve " " Good luck " I said.

I'm left and the cold, silent room alone. This is crazy why me. Why us. Sooner or later my name is called. "Willow Mellark, District Twelve " I see Tyler come out of the assessment room.

He whispers, " Good luck " and walks off. I enter the assessment room and say, " Willow Mellark, District 12." Then I grab the silver and gold bow and an arrow.

I walk into the large dome looking room and wait for the holograms to appear. Once they do a technological massacre occurs .

Then I get out of the dome room and go to the knives. I grab the one that feels most comfortable in my hand and throw it. Hitting very close to the bulls-eye on the head.

"Thank you,for your time. " I say and walk away.


Three hours later were were given our scores. I got an 11 and Tyler got a 12. The highest in all of the tributes except the careers.

Thank you guys so much for reading!!! Hoped you liked this chapter!! Please comment and Vote!!!


" Losing him was blue like I'd never known
Missing him was dark grey all alone
Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met
But loving him was red
Oh, red
Burning red" - Red,Taylor Swift

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