The Last Day

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Tyler's pov
After everybody left, willow asked me to stay with her until she fell asleep. After about half an hour she fell asleep. I slowly got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Now,I'm in the bed of the guest bedroom across the hall from Willows room. I lay there in the dark, cold room. Only the moonlight is shining through the window.

I sit there and think about what Snow could possibly have planned for the reason. The president wouldn't just decide to go, of all districts, to District 12 for the reaping .

Something was up and I know it. Well I guess the announcement will give me a hint of whats going on.

"Willow whats going on?" " The finale" " you see that,Wills ?" "What?" In that bush " Two red beady eyes staring directly at me. Willow gets closer to the bush. " Willow no get away!" I yelled warning her. The eyes, which are of a horrible looking mutt creature jump towards her in one swift movement . Willow falls to the ground, the mutt on top of her attempting to bite her throat. " Get off her! " I yell running towards the beast.
" Get " I stab it with my knife. " off" I stab it again. " her " I said stabbing it again. The mutt falls to the ground besides willow. " are you OK-" " my leg"I look at her leg and see that it's bleeding. " we have to go! " I said. I pick up and carry her away for. The mutt. I hear a cannon and feel Willows body go limp. " then Im impaled in the stomach with a spear . " the last words I think of are, already I'm with my love.

" Tyler " I hear a distant voice say. " Tyler wake up " I hear the voice again but closer. " Tyler, Wake up!" I feel my body shake. Am I in an earthquake?

" Tyler, wake up!" I open my eyes to see Willow was the voice I was hearing. " Good your awake, Are you OK? " she asked, her face looks worried. " I heard you moaning, and then saying get off her over and over."

" I'm..OK. it's just the nightmares I get them every night. It's nothing. " I tell her. She doesn't look very convinced. " These nightmares aren't just nothing, I get them too. But if you need anything, I'm right across the hall. " She said heading towards the door.

" Thanks Willow but I'm fine. " I tell her. Then she leaves. In ten minutes I fall asleep.


Today the President is going to announce What's the deal with this years game. Today is the last day before the reaping. The district is tense. As I pass threw people to go to the hob, I can feel the tension .

Normally people smile and say good morning. Today, they say nothing and continue to go to work in the coal mines. I enter the hob and go to Morgan to buy some strawberries, Willows favorite .

I know she's stressed out about the announcement today. So this morning I got up, before she did to buy these and make pancakes. It won't help her to forget completely but at least its something.

I look at the clock. It's 8:48 ㏂ " Willow will wake up soon. I get the ingredients out on the counter. In 6 minutes I made the batter and put it on the pan.

By 9:20 I've finished with the pancakes and set the plates on the table. I put the strawberries on the the pancakes and just on cue willow comes down. She's already dressed for the day.

" What's this? " she says, with a smile. "Pancakes-a-la-Tyler " " nice one, but you didn't have to do this tyler " she said sort of smiling. " actually I made this So you would relax a little about today. " I said " thanks "

" lets eat Pancakes-a-la-Tyler " I laughed. By 9:40 we finished eating. The announcement would be on at 12:00 ㏘ So we still have 3 hours left. " what do you want to do for the rest of the day? " I asked.

" I actually wanted to show you something. " " Oh OK " I said. " what do you want to show me?" " you'll see. Just put on your boots and coat. " She said .

We go outside, the snow falling over us. " So could you tell me where We're going. " " Tyler, just follow " she said. She leads me towards the fence separating the District form the woods.

We go under the fence and into the woods. We walk towards a tall hill and she sits on a large rock. " We're here." She said.

" It's freezing up here, but the view is amazing. " I said. " I sometimes wonder what would happen if I ran away. Ran far far away. And never came back. I sometimes wonder What's out there you know. " she said looking at the view.

The ocean of snow covered trees, looks beautiful. " yea, I do know. But we wouldn't make it. We would be caught and killed or turned to avoxes. " I said.

She sighs, " I know, if I didn't live here I would probably do it. Come on there has to be a better world out there. " " you're right Wills" I said.

After that we stay there until eleven . Then we walked down the mountain and go visit Caleb and Uncle Carter. We knock on their door. Caleb opens the door, and is confused.

" Is something wrong ? did snow do something else? " He asked letting us in as Uncle Carter comes. " No, we just wanted to visit you guys before the announcement. Also to see if you're OK " I said.

" of course I'm OK, why wouldn't I? " " it's that tomorrow being the reaping and all " Willow said. " Oh, that I'm fine. " Caleb said. Uncle Carter chuckles and said, "Caleb stop lying you know you're freaking out. " " Ugh, fine I'm terrified I mean Tyler got reaped last year. "

" Caleb don't worry you're going to be fine. " I assured him. We stay there and talk until 11:45 So we'd have 15 to get home. we get home at exactly 11:57. "Turn on the T.V. ,Ill hang our coats. " Willow said. " OK " I said walking to the living room.

" Tyler wait give me your coat. " Willow said. " Oh, ha sorry " I said laughing. I turn on the T.V. and the Capitol Seal shows up. The anthem playing in the background. Willow sits on the couch and I sit next to her.

Then President Snow shows up. At the bottom of the screen, in big letter it said, President Drakob Snow, The 77th Annual Hunger Games. Then the anthem stops and he starts talking.

Well here you go guys hope you like it!!!! Comment on what you think and vote.

" We live in cities you'll never see on screen
Not very pretty, but we sure know how to run things
Living in ruins of a palace within my dreams
And you know, we're on each other's team
We're on each other's team
And you know, we're on each other's team
We're on each other's team
And you know, and you know, and you know"- Lorde ,Team

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