Just you and me | poetry

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They said Speak now
And you think wow
'Cause you don't know what to say
And there's gonna be no way
They would be happy
You just feel so scrappy
For lying all the time
That you're not mine
I don't want to lie
All I wanna do is fly
Over to you
And enjoy the view

When you smile at me
I feel so free
I think about
without a doubt
You in my bed
That's all in my head
Just you and me
Living at the sea

Behind your blue eyes
I can't see lies
About your feelings
And I see things
That I never thought to see
Us under your tree
I gave you the key
To my heart
It wasn't smart
I know that now
And I think "Wow"
You had me crazy
Now I'm too lazy
To feel like this again
And I knew even then

The partys we went to
Are now without you
The glass in my hand
Shattered for me to understand
You were the best I ever had
Now you're just mad
That I had to go back
To my vinyl stack
And pick out the best I found
That had the best sound
And the best lines
For you to read the signs

Drunk under a Streetlight | poetryWhere stories live. Discover now