The race..

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"Hey Reki", I said giving him a small wave. "Hunter hey! What's up?", he asked taking another bite from his lunch.

We were at school and I just couldn't really sleep last night. I just kept thinking about the race tonight and..

"Can I maybe talk to you?", I asked him with my head hanging down but my eyes looking at Reki. "Yeah ofcourse, what's on your mind?", he asked. "In private maybe?", I asked seeing that Langa was sitting next to Reki. "Oh uhm.. I guess, you mind Langa?". Langa simply shook his head from left to right.

Reki stood up and we walked into a hallway where noone was present. "I'm sorry to bother you for this, but I..", I started but couldn't finish because I didn't know how to say it. " go on, you can tell me", I said being as nice as I portrait him to be in my fanfiction.

I sighed amd took out my notebook out of my backpack and showed it to Reki. "Miya can't know what's in this notebook. It'll ruïn my life", I simply said. "Oh well.. a deal is a deal, you can always not show up but I guess that's not good for your reputation at S", he replied. With his words I could feel pressure form behind my eyes and I guess Reki took notice off that. "Can I maybe ask what's in the notebook?" Reki asked.

I doubted for a second, but maybe he'll help me with this. He won't be mad, right?

"Please don't be mad at me..", I said softly. "Why would I be mad at you?", Reki asked. I sighed before continuing. "I've had a major crush on Miya since the day I saw him, and I kinda wrote a fanfiction about him", I said looking down.

Reki narrowed his eyes at me to see if he realy heard it correctly. "Y.. you made.. a fanfiction about him and thought it was a good idea to place it as a bet for when you race against him?", Reki said to which I simply nodded. To my surprise, Reki suddenly bursted out laughing.

I looked up at Reki and saw him holding his stomache wiping away a tear. "Hey stop it! I'm being serious here!", I said angrily. Reki came back to reality and tried to stop laughing. "Okey okey, I'll behave. You are something, you know that?".

"Okey, I'll help you", Reki started, "Ofcourse I can't be sure, but just do the race tonight, and I'll talk to Miya about it. Maybe if I say it, he'll let go off the whole notebook thing"

I sighed in relieve. "Thank you so much, I really don't know what I would've done without you", I said giving him a bow. "Don't worry about it. Come sit with us, lets see what we can do for you"

Reki put and arm around my shoulder, ofcourse he was taller then me, but the moment he did that, I was engulfed in his smell. My eyes widened as I remembered what I had written down in the fanfiction. I might.. have a small crush on Reki too..


The evening had fallen, and the race was almost gonna start. Within a few minutes, I would be racing the one and only Myia Chinen.. even tho I amd happy I've been able to talk to him, and now even race against him for that matter, I do really hope that Reki won't let Miya get the notebook. I really hope that having been honest with Reki is gonna get me out off this.

I couldn't even begin to imagine how Miya will feel. This deal was never supposed to happen.. and I'm sure that any chance I had with Miya, would be completely gone.. thinking of that subject..

"Did you talk to him yet?", I asked nervously as I tucked on Reki's sweater. "Dude relax, its gonna be fine. Just go enjoy the race, I'll talk to him after. Who knows, maybe you'll win! Then you can spend a whole day with your crush", Reki said teasing me. My eyes widened at his remark and my cheeks got awfully red. "Shut up..", I softly said to which Reki started laughing agin. "Go give it your best", he said as I walked towards to starting line.

When I looked foreward, I already saw Miya waiting for me to show up. "I thought you weren't gonna come", Miya said as if he was looking down on me. "I guess I have to, right?", I replied being extremely nervous.

"ALRIGHT, ATTENTION EVERYONE. THE RACE WILL START SOON. RACERS GET READY", The announcer spoke up throuh speakers. With every second, I could feel my heartbeat fasten.

Lets do this..

"Goodluck", I said to Miya next to me, but he didn't reply. We both looked forwards and waited for the light to be green. The crowd had surrounded the tracks and I could see Reki and Langa in the corner off my eye.

You better be right, Reki..

"3, 2, 1, GO!!",

Sk8 The Infinity: Begin Again (Miya Chinen X Male Reader Oc)Where stories live. Discover now