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"Have you guys seen Hunter?", I askedReki and Langa as I skated towards them. "I thought you hated him", Reki said teasingly. I instantly gave him a death glare which made Reki kinda uncomfortable. "No we haven't, he hasn't been at school either", Langa replied.

Its been 4 days now since Hunter left my room without saying anything. "Yeah now that you mentioned it, he also hasn't shown up to skate with us", Reki said. "Should we see if he's home?", I asked being a bit worried. "You know where he lives?", Langa then asked. "No, but we could find that on the internet somewhere probably". I opened my phone and searched social media for a bit, and to my surprise, it didn't take me long. I held up the phone to Reki and Langa. "Oh, thats not far from here. Are you sure this is a good idea?", Reki asked to which I simply nodded. "I just don't have a good feeling about this". "Alright then, I guess it wouldn't hurt to check on him", Reki replied.

We stepped on our skateboard and made our way to where Hunter lives. "You do have to tell me tho, why do you want to know if Hunter's alright?", Reki asked me but I didn't give him an answer. It just didn't sit right with me. No ones heard of him since that night..


I ramg the doorbell and waited for someone to open the door. After around 20 seconds, a man opened. "Hello there", he spoke up nicely, "how can I help you?". "I'm a friend off Hunter sir and I was wondering if he could come out to play", I replied back. I could feel my hair stand up straight. Something was off about this man..

"Well, kind off an awfull story actually. Hunter fell from the stairs, he's been on bedrest ever since", my eyes widened in the mans direction. "Oh, could I.. talk to him? We've all been hanging out with him you see", I started as I pointed at Reki and Langa, "and we're really worried. Would that be okey?".

The man doubted for a second. I could see he was contemplating wether it would be a good or not, but I just knew he wasn't telling me the truth. "5 minutes. After that, he needs his rest", the man then said as he opened the door for me to walk in with Reki and Langa behind me. "Upstairs, first room to your right". "Thank you so much sir, we really appreciate it", I said politely.

We walked upstairs and Reki knocked on the door. "Hunter? Its us. Can we come in?", he said, but there was not a sound coming from the room Reki sighed. "Maybe he's sleeping", Reki spoke up, but I just looked at him. I suddenly walked closer to Reki so nobody was able to hear us. "Okey here's the deal. You and I both know this is more then what it seems like. Either you open the door, or I will", I whispered. Reki just nodded. "We're coming in now", he said outload as he slowly opened the door.

It was dark in the room. The blinds were closed and the only light that came into the room was the light from the hallway. But we could clearly see Hunter lying in his bed with his back towards us under his covers. "Please go", he suddenly said with a weird voice. I don't think I've ever heard someone say it like that. As if he didn't want us gone, but he was scared and had been crying. "Hunter please, what happened?", Reki spoke up. "I fell", He simply replied still not looking at us.

Again.. that weird tone..

Reki walked closer towards the bed as he kneeled down beside it. "Hey, we're here for you", Reki spoke up again. He slowly removed Hunter covers a bit and everything suddenly faded around me. All I could feel was anger and sadness. Hunter whole face was covered in swellings. Even tho he wasn't looking at us, we could all see it. I slowly came back to reality. I could feel my heart race, but I was almost paralyzed. Reki suddenly spoke up.

"We're gonna get you out off here. Even if its the last thing we do"

With that, Reki stood up and almost stormed out off the room. Langa followed him to calm him down, but I still couldn't move. "Miya?", Hunter suddenly spoke up. "Yes?", I replied not knowing what to do.

"please stop him", Hunter started in a weak voice, "he'll hurt Reki too". The world suddenly came crashing down. How could.. someone do this..

I walked downstairs and the father was waiting for me down the stairs. "See? He's in really bad shape. He just needs his rest", Hunters father. "We hope to see him soon again at school sir", I replied. I walked down the stairs but noticed Hunters father not moving. Instead he just stared at me even when I passed him. I felt really uncomfortable, but I didn't want to show him that. As I walked outside, the door closed behind me. I only saw Langa still out in front. "Where did Reki go?", I asked Langa. "He just told us to meet him at his place as soon as possible. I've.. never seen him like this", Langa replied. I walked towards Langa still thinking about everything.

"Lets go then", I spoke up, "we can't leave Hunter here like this..". "I know, Miya. Lets first see what Reki wants", Langa replied.

Pov Reki

"Mom!", I shouted as I stormed through the door. Anger was all I could feel. My heart was pounding and my breaths were fast. "I'm in the kitchen honey!", she said back. As I walked into the kitchen, she noticed the serious look on my face.

"We need to talk"

Sk8 The Infinity: Begin Again (Miya Chinen X Male Reader Oc)Where stories live. Discover now