The hospital - part 3

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I slowly opened my eyes as I woke up.  It didn't take me long to realize that Miya was still laying next to me. After I had calmed down yesterday, we stayed in the same position. We had talked a bit more for a few hours and I got to know him a bit better. Infact.. I couldn't get enough from hearing him talk. He really got into it at some point! But after a while, I got really tired and comfy next to him. I had been holding his arm the whole time and I kinda started using it as a pillow.. it was the first time I actually was able to take in his scent for real. I wonder what it would be like to wear his hoodie.. yeah I call him weird, but for sure I am too.

But I don't care!

As I was now fully awake, I noticed Miya was simply laying next to me. I guess he had layed down himself to get some sleep as well. As I looked down, my heart skipped a beat. So thats what I was feeling. He is.. holding my hand? When did that happen? I don't remember us doing that before I went to sleep. I don't even remember him laying down next to me. I was expecting him to stand up and sleep in the chair.

A smile formed on my face as I didn't mind at all. I did notice however, he didn't have a blanket on top off him, and after looking around for a bit, there was an extra one at the feet end of the bed.

I tried to get up as slowly as possible trying to not wake him up. I picked up the extra bedsheet and cover Miya with it. As I did so, I noticed the peacefull look on his face. His chest slowly rising and falling in sync with his breathing. I tilted my head a bit as I looked at him. I slowly laid back down next to him again with my head at the height of his shoulder. I softly grabbed his hand in mine and closed my eyes.


"Well you're finally awake", I heard Miya say as I opened my eyes again. I saw him playing on his switch again, but I guess he put it on pause. "Good view to wake up to", I said jokingly, "whats that?", I continued as I stretched myself a bit. "Oh, they brought you your breakfast but I told them to let you sleep". "Wait, what time is it?", I asked him confused. "I don't like, like 10.30?", Miya replied. "Oh, didn't you say you had school today?", I asked him. "Well, some classes were cancled and I just asked my mom if I could stay here. And she was fine with it", he replied. "You stayed home from school because you wanted to stay here?". "No, I stayed home from school because I didn't wanna go there".

I looked at him confused. "You're.. giving me mixed signals but fine, I'm in the mood for food, so gimmi that!", I said as I pointed at the breakfast next to Miya. Miya gained a small smile on his face and stood up to give me my breakfast. "Enjoy", he said laughing a bit.

As I was eating, I noticed the door opening. Miya and I both looked at who was coming in. "Good morning, Hunter", we heard Masae say. After Masae, Reki walked in. "Goodmorning", I said back. "Wow Miya, you actually stayed", Reki spoke up. "Shut up, slime", Miya replied going back to his switch being his usual self. We both looked at Miya before I spoke up. "Don't worry, Reki.  He was nice to me", I said. "So, Hunter.. are you ready for today?", Masae said. "Today? What's gonna happen?", I asked not being sure. "Well, as we said yesterday. The doctors said you could go home today, and we've cleared out a room for you", she suddenly said.

My heart sank a bit. I remember everything they told me yesterday, but.. I kinda forgot about it with Miya being here and all.

"Yeah ofcourse I'm ready", I started with a smile, "its kinda new for me, but its gonna be fine..".

"I've spoken to Reki about it, but if you want, you could have a little sleepover with him!", Masae said excitingly to which I laughed a bit.

I looked at Reki with a smile on my face and opened my arms. He took the invite and walked towards me. I gave him a big hug and pulled him on my bed.

"Well, thats my queue to go then", Miya suddenly said as he stood up.  He put his switch in his backpack and put it on his shoulder. "Cya next time", he said as he waved. "Miya!", I suddenly almost shouted, "I want a hug from you too".

I could see Miya role his eyes before walking towards me. "Clingy much", he whisperer. "You haven't seen the half of it yet", I simply replied pulling Miya into a big embrace. I could feel he wanted to let go after a quick second, but I wouldn't let him. "I am glad you were here", I said softly. "You welcome, golem", I heard Miya say as we let go. "Bye!", he shouted carelessly as he walked out of the door. "Did he just call you golem?", Reki asked me as he came closer again. "Uhm.. I guess?", I replied not understanding why Reki asked. "He calls you slime too, right?", I said. "Well yeah, it's just.. nevermind..", he then said still looking at where Miya left. Masae suddenly walked towards me as well. A smile like Reki's appeared on her face as she started getting things ready.

"Let's get you ready"

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