A talk

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"You've been acting weird ever since I got here", Miya said sitting down next to me holding one knee up and leaning against it, "Did I do something?".  "No, you didn't do anything", I simply replied. It was a weird feeling. I wasn't mad at him but I didn't want to talk to him. It felt like he hurt me yesterday and he doesn't even know it..

"Tch, you can't even look at me", He suddenly said. "Whats so funny", I replied still not knowing why I'm actually mad at him..

"One day, you're all over me and now it feels like you don't want anything to do with me. But thats fine, I'm used to people thinking that about me".

I turned my head slowly to look at him. he was staring in front of him, but I could almost see his thoughts in his eyes. I sighed before speaking up. "I'm not mad at you", I started. Miya didn't look at me, but I knew he was listening. "How.. was your date..", I slowly said. It hurt to say it outloud, but he didn't do anything.. "I guess it was okey", he replied.

So it was a date..


"You're still acting weird", Miya suddenly said. "I guess you're gonna have to live with it", I said jokingly trying to lighten the mood. A small laugh escaped Miya's lips. "Please just go skate", I said, "I'm fine,  we're fine".

I wasn't tho..

Right next to me was the most beautiful person I've ever laid eyes on..

And he just told me his date with a girl went well..

I could feel a pressure form behind my eyes, but I didn't want him to notice. "You know.. you have become one of my friends.. I find it even weird to say, because I'm not sure if those two are my friends", Miya started looking at Reki and Langa, "for some reason I hate the feeling, but I do want to be there for you. I just hope I don't ruïn anything..".

My eyes widened at his words, and for a second I was speechless. He still wasn't looking at me. His hair waving with the wind and his eyes were sparkling just as I had described in my fanfiction.. "thanks for being there for me", I said noticing a blush spreading on my cheeks.

With that, Miya stood up and skated down the ramp. "My turn now!", he almost shouted towards Reki and Langa. My eyes were glued on him as he went up and down the ramp, completely focussed on what he was doing.

I guess his friendship is worth something.. right?

"So?", Reki suddenly said as he came to a halt on top of the ramp next to me. "What did you guys talk about he said poking me in the side with a smirk on his face. "Stop it", I said pushing him away. "You okey?", he asked. I sighed before answering. "It was a date", I said softly not wanting the pther two to hear us. "Oh..", Reki said lossing the words he wanted to say. "But mayb.." "Reki, its fine. I should be glad to have him as a friend I guess..". Reki saw me staring at Miya as he was still going up and down with Langa.

Reki suddenly put his arm around me and pulled me in. "I'll be here for you when you need me. You know that".

As I was laying with my head against his chest, I looked up only to see Reki looking right back down at me. And again.. we were staring at eachother longer then we're normally supposed to.. my heart started beating a bit faster.

Within a second, we both saw Miya coming towards where we were sitting with high speed. We both knew he wasn't gonna stop and after instinctivly jumping to the side, Miya did I trick right inbetween us coming to a stop as well.

"We're here to skate, not for that weird stuff", Miya said agitated by something. "Miya! You could've hurt us!", Reki shouted back, and ofcourse, Miya started shouting back.

So many different thought were going through my head. What was that with Reki? Why did Miya seperate us?

I suddenly stood up and skated down. Reki and Miya didn't even notice it, but I came to a halt next to Langa. "When they're done, could you tell them I went home? I'm getting a bit tired", I asked him. "Yeah, I will. But don't you want Reki to go with you?", Lamga asked. "No I'm fine. Why?", I asked him. He said it as if he knew something.

"No, its just that.. I saw you looking at him. I know you like eachother", Langa suddenly said. My eyes widened and a blush spread on my cheeks. I wanted to insta tly deny it, but a question suddenly came to mind. "Reki likes me?", I asked. "Oh you didn't know?", Langa suddenly started, "I think I've said to much then".

I turned my head towards Reki and Miya. I looked at the interaction those two were still having. "Reki likes me..", I softly said.

I suddenly heard Langa sigh. "Go home, get some rest. And if for whatever reason you two works something out, be good to him", Langa said. He turned his head towards Reki and I saw sadness in his eyes as I looked at them. In surprise, I kept looking at Langa's eyes. "I gave it my shot, he turned it down. He deserves the best"

I was suddenly in complete disbelieve.. Langa gave it his shot? Does that mean..

He is just like me with Miya..

I suddenly stepped forward and put my arms around him. Tears almost running down my face.

"I'm so sorry, Langa.."

Sk8 The Infinity: Begin Again (Miya Chinen X Male Reader Oc)Where stories live. Discover now