9. New Crushes

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Mitchel in the picture everybody!




Spencer's P.O.V:

"No. No. No!" I shouted as I ran up the stairs.

I entered our room as I saw that Maximus was in the restroom. The scent burnt my nostrils, it was terrible.

I knocked on the door, "Maximus?"

"Ocupado buddy." Maximus groaned as I heard more liquid hit the sink.

"Gross." I whispered as I heard footsteps.

"It can't be that bad." Patrick said.

Preston's P.O.V:

This close. THIS CLOSE to kissing her.

Spencer ran up stairs to see how Max was doing as Patrick opened the door.

"Hey." Pete said.

"Hey." We all responded.

I looked up the stairs to see that Spencer was already gone.

"Where's Spencer and Maximus?" Joe asked as he hung his sweater.

"They-" Abigail looked at Zachariah.

"Maximus wasn't feeling good at the party." Zachariah finished Abigail's sentence.

"Poor guy." Andy said, "why?"

"He ate something bad." I said.

Way to make it obvious, Preston

"Let's go check on him." Patrick said as everyone started to walk upstairs.

"Okay," I said nervously, "WE'RE COMING UP THE STAIRS!"

"God Preston," Pete said as he held his hand next to his ear, "why were you so loud."

"He has a REALLY bad stomach ache." I said, "you could get sick too."

"It can't be that bad," Patrick said.

Spencer's P.O.V:

I heard the door swing open as I closed the bathroom door. I ran to my bed as I rested on it.

"Hey," I said casually, "how's life?"

"How's Maximus?" Patrick asked.

You could faintly hear someone throwing up. I saw Preston who was very scared at this point.

"He's fine." I said.

"F YOU!" Maximus shouted.

"What?" Pete asked.

"Stop taking so loud!" Maximus yelled as he threw up some more.

"Open the door." Patrick said as he turned the knob.

"No!" I said as I blocked the door.

"What?" Patrick asked.

"Uh. You don't wanna see what's in there. It's VERY BAD!" I said.

"Just move kid." Andy said.

"No!" I shouted.

Pete pulled me back as Patrick walked in to see Maximus' head in the toilet.

"What's wrong?" Patrick asked.

"I drank-" Maximus started.

You better not Max.

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