10. The Avengers

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Abigail's P.O.V:

"Up,up, up!" I heard Patrick yell as he opened the door.

"It's Sunday." I groaned as I rolled off the bed.

"Unless we are watching a movie, I'll pass on waking up." Aspen said as I threw a pillow on top of her face.

"Actually, we are going." Patrick said, "how did you know?"

I got up in excitement, "we are?"

"Ya." Patrick said.

"I can read minds you know." Aspen commented as she left the room.

"Look, I'm sorry about last night. I was just in a panic, you know? I just adopted you guys last week and now Maximus was drunk." Patrick apologized.

"It's fine," I said as I left the room and headed downstairs.

I saw everyone was downstairs except for Maximus, Pete said that he wasn't feeling good. He's having a day off.

"What movie are we watching?" Zachariah asked.

"Avengers: Age of Ultron." Pete smiled.

"No way!" Preston yelled, "we saw the first one in the orphanage."

"It starts at 2, so we leave at 1 because it gets packed, especially the first weekend." Joe said as he put his plate in the sink.

I looked at the clock to see that it was already 11. I put my plate in the sink as I ran upstairs to go to Maximus' room, Spencer followed me as well.

When I entered, I instantly heard Max groan in disgust.

"Close the light." Max whimpered.

"Stop being a wimp and man up." Spencer said angrily as he closed the door.

"Why are you so mad today?" I asked Spencer.

"Max has been so annoying today," he said, "He's been like "give me this" "give me that." It's so annoying." Spencer mocked Maximus.

"You're missing the Avengers." I said to Max.

"Oh! No way! Tell Patrick to take me next week." Max said with a smile.

"I'll try," I said.

I pressed my lips to his forehead as he embraced me in his arms.

"Love you Abby." Maximus whispered.

"Love you too Maxi." I said as he kissed on my forehead.

I walked away to my room as I picked out the clothes I was going to wear today. I put on my boots as I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs. It was only 12:30 and everyone was already downstairs besides Spencer.

"Where's Spencer?" I asked as I grabbed an apple.

"He's still pampering Maximus." Preston said.

"Is he that out?" I questioned.

Spencer walked downstairs as he went by the door and grabbed his brown leather jacket. He put on his beanie as he looked at the mirror that was right next to the door.

"Should we go?" Spencer asked.

"Can we?" I asked Patrick.

He looked at his phone as he looked at Pete.

"Lets go then." Pete said as he grabbed two sets of car keys. He tossed one to Joe and kept the other one.

"Shot gun!" Preston yelled.

The car ride was fun, as always, then we walked to the theatre box office.

Andy pulled out his wallet, "nine tickets to The Avengers: Age of Ultron at 2?"

The ticket sales man nodded as he pulled out the nine tickets as Andy handed him the money for them. The cashier gave him his change back

"Enjoy your movie." The man smiled.

Andy nodded as we headed inside to buy all the others things. We waited in line to go inside of the theatre, since we were there early.

"You think this movie is going to be good?" Zachariah asked.

"Hell ya!" Preston exclaimed.

"Theatre 4 is now open for Avengers. Once again, theatre 4 is open for the showing of The Avengers. Enjoy your movie!" The woman said throughout the speakers.

We all walked in as we looked for some seats. A lot of people were already behind us, so we had to find them quick. We sat in the middle as we almost took up the whole row.

"Pardon, is this seat taken?" A guy asked Aspen who sat on the very edge.

"No, it isn't." Aspen said as she took her purse out of the extra seat.

The guy thanked him as he sat down near us. I was confused why he would sit there, since there were seats everywhere. I shook it off of my mind as I felt someone's hand go into my popcorn bucket. I looked at my left to see Patrick laugh as he ate the popcorn.

"Hey," Preston said, "who is that?"

He pointed at the guy who was siting next to Aspen, they were talking.

Aspen's P.O.V:

"Is this seat taken?" A guy asked me.

I took my purse out of my seat as he sat there.

Why would he sit here? There plenty of other seats.

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Mitchel. We met before, I know your cousin, Preston" He said.

Oh my God.

"Ya, he always talks about you." I said.

The lights in the theatre started to dim.

"Yay," Preston said as he took some of my popcorn.

The movie was pretty awesome. It kept us all awake, so it must have been good. The movie finished as the music and credits started to play.

"Let's dip." Preston said as he started to get up.

I stood up as Mitchel grabbed my arm.

"Stay here." Mitchel said.

I saw all the guys who had started to leave, only Abigail stayed.

"Hey Mitchel." Abigail waved at him, Mitchel did the same.

"Can I talk to you?" Mitchel asked.

Abigail heard and left to the front row. We were the only ones there, so it was pretty quiet except for the music.

"What?" I asked him.

Mitchel scratched the back of his neck. He seemed nervous. "Can- Can I have your number?" He mumbled.

I mentally screamed and danced in my mind. I pulled out my phone as we switched them and inserted our numbers.

Mitchel smiled as he stood up, "until then Aspen."

He left as Abigail sat down next to me. She smiled at me.

"You listened to everything, didn't you?" I asked.


We squealed as the lights turned on in the theatre. A man who had a broom walked in and started to sweep the floor. We left the place as we went to the parking lot and found everyone there.

"That was SO cool!!" Preston exclaimed.

"Best Avengers movie yet." Pete said as he opened the door to his car.

"Well we better go. Don't want want Maximus dying on us." Patrick said as he went to the passengers seat.

I sat down next to Abigail as we went home.


Kind of a short chapter but oh well.

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