CHAPTER 41 - Don't Trust Everything You See

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Americano - Lady Gaga

November 12th 2024



The Court positively adores a heist.

Being notorious criminals comes with high expectations and an even more extensive reputation to uphold. A list of offences the length of their egos comes with the unabashed need to one up each crime. The scene is set with billowing winds and a frosty chill that settles across Gotham ingraining itself in every shadowy crevasse.

The focus is on two nameless faces as they briskly walk amongst the rich surrounding them. Blending in seamlessly with the Glitz and Glamour the two pull their own dashing garments closer around themselves in a pointless battle to shield themselves from the chill.

Like moths to a flame, they flock towards the towering Manor whose lights glow bright, whispering promises of treasures beyond imagination. The two figures are no less affected by its light and perhaps the only two that truly understand what lays within. 

Rubbing her neck where a subtle ache has formed due to the heavy wig that tumbles to her lower back, Marinette curls further into herself to protect from the harsh chill in the air. Luka walks around a meter behind her as they seem to skilfully navigate the dolled-up crowd that flock to Hemingway's front door. Each step planned to perfection despite the randomness of their movements appearing to move with the crowd rather than subtly controlling it.

A comforting presence squeezes against her back as Luka moves closer his hand finding a home in the plush fur of her coat. 'Chloé is meeting us at the door keep an eye out for any of the Wayne's and more importantly where they end up sitting.' Marinette nods in acknowledgement as her heels click harshly on the frosted ground.

Reaching the steps to the entrance she places a complacent look on her face as the security guards check her ticket and subsequent ID. Being given the all clear she storms ahead of Luka making a beeline for Chloé who stands just beyond the door her hands tightly gripping her purse.

"Miss Lambert what a pleasure to see you!" Chloé exclaims her arms encircling Marinette fully. As they pull away Marinette can feel the object she slips in the deep pockets of her coat.

"Vinelle the pleasure is all mine; I trust that everything is in order for tonight? I know that every party you throw is just divine but this is on another level," a subtle dip of the chin is all Marinette needs to see as the two women step further apart bodies moving in the direction they wish to travel.

"It shall the best yet, now I shall let you go as I must make the rounds," turning sharply on her heel Chloé stalks in the other direction quickly swallowed up by the rest of the eager guests.

Spotting a bar with a colourful array of bottles that seem to chant her name in tandem, Marinette makes a beeline towards it not ignorant to the hush that overtakes the crowd as Bruce Wayne and his brood make their entrance.

"A dirty Martini please," Marinette asks the bartender who is all too keen to comply. Sending her a cheeky grin and picking up bottles to throw about in a display that she could not be the least bit interested in. Adjusting the bottom of her satin silver dress that falls to mid-thigh Marinette wastes no time jumping up onto a stool as her drink is deposited next to her.

Making sure to periodically note all the exits to the room and those that guard it, she recall's Max's blueprint of the area. It isn't long before an all too familiar presence settles into the seat next to her. Blatantly ignoring the thrill that dances up her spine Marinette slowly turns her head to face Damian who is already staring intently at her.

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