CHAPTER 6 - True Evil is, Above All Things, Seductive

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!TW; self-harm!

Something In The Way - Nirvana

September 5th 2024


After finishing her retelling of the unhumble death of Richard Barlow. Marinette focuses her attention back on her surroundings. Looking around her cell she realises that she had summoned a multitude of small knives during her tale, and by the looks of it had been throwing them at the walls.

'Oops,' she shrugs.

She suddenly remembered why she was telling the story in the first place and turned her gaze to the group behind the glass. Marinette saw their faces carved in expressions of horror or shock.

Marinette notices that they are all slightly spaced out. They aren't giving her their full attention and Marinette is not a fan of that.

She smiles at the group and gazes down at the dagger she is twisting in her hands. The smooth blade sliding across the skin of her palm. She grips the hilt and then throws it at the window.

It makes a loud bang causing them to flinch and their attention is directed back at her again.



Nightwing was not sure what to think.

He was confused.

A million thoughts swam through his head each one contradicting or challenging the last.

If Marinette was to be believed then this Richard Barlow was the scum of the earth and Nightwing thinks he got what he deserved. However why did she not get the authorities involved and get the man sent to jail.

His brain made counter arguments for each new thought process.

Part of Nightwing was glad that Marinette took out that paedophile. However, one 'good' deed doesn't excuse the countless other horrible things she has done. Nightwing believes that she should still be severely punished for her other crimes.

Nightwing is brought out of his thoughts by a loud bang that causes him to flinch and look at the window. He sees that Marinette had thrown a knife against the glass. Towards them. He turns to Robin and Black Bat who both seem to be standing more alert with their attention solely on Marinette. He looks to the young woman and sees a self-satisfied smirk on her face. Why? He is not too sure, and he doubts he wants to know.

"What happened to the young girl, Delilah?" Nightwing hears himself speak before he registers the words leaving his mouth.

Marinette raises a brow and tilts her head as if contemplating the answer to give Nightwing. He sees her nod to herself and redirect her gaze to him.

"She is safe, where no one will ever harm her, ever again. That is all you need to know."

Marinette narrows her eyes at him, the black pools feel as though they are looking right through him and into his soul. Soft hands digging through the crevices in his mind searching for something.

He shudders and takes a step back.

Nightwing hears Robin's voice which is laced with venom and watches as the young man points his finger at Marinette.

"Just because you killed one person who deserved it, that doesn't mean that you deserve not to be here. You are where you belong. In a cell, in the middle of nowhere, alone. Where you cannot hurt anyone else."

Marinette's smile drops as she glares harshly at Robin. Then an innocent smile takes over her face as he leans her body in Robin's direction, and then pouts at him.

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