CHAPTER 11 - A Mess of Gorgeous Chaos

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Primitive - The Cramps

September 5th 2024


Luka observed their reactions to his re-telling with unfabricated glee. He left out many more personal details of course, can't have them knowing too much. But they got the gist.

The look of unbridled horror on John Constantine's weather-beaten face was worth it for Luka. Maybe the man would finally get it through his thick skull just how dangerous Marinette Dupain-Cheng is, and exactly what the Court is dealing with.

Luka could not see Red Hood's facial expression due to the red metal bucket that covered his head. But Luka has a fun time imagining all of the faces he would be making.

Horror perhaps?

Or maybe confusion?

Luka analysed Red Hood's ridged form that had not moved at all during his story. The only indication that the man was still with them was the subtle twitching of his fingers.

Batgirl sported a similar look to John Constantine, but her eyes held more uncertainty and mirrors the confusion he swears he would see on Red Hood's face. She stands with her back firmly pressed against the wall behind her, she couldn't be further from him if she tried.

Luka smiled, but there was no comfort in the degrading expression. He moves to open his mouth but before a sound leaves him, Luka is rudely interrupted.


Red Hood was at a loss. His mind was moving a million miles per hour. Trying to process Luka's story was causing him a nasty headache.

He doesn't know what was worse. The number of people they killed or the fact that Marinette was somehow able to absorb jewellery and could hypnotise people. He had not moved during the time that Luka spoke.

The man had not re-started his music when he monologued, rather allowing the sound of his own voice to fill the tense atmosphere.

Red Hood finally managed to drag his eyes off of Luka's sitting form and moved them to John Constantine. To say he was surprised would be a great understatement. Red Hood was stunned by the expression on John Constantine's face. The widened eyes, the laboured breathes, the small opening and closing of his mouth and the clenching of his fists.

Too distracted by evaluating John Constantine's body language he didn't even register the man speaking until the echo of his voice bounced violently into his ears.

"So, it is true then, she is a celestial soul?" John's voice sounds uncertain, Red Hood can detect an underlying current of fear, so well hidden that many would not notice.

The answer that John Constantine wants is not one that Luka will give Red Hood guesses.

"Yes. She is, and luckily by the grace of Kwami she is not with him anymore." Luka's voice rings out drawing Red Hoods attention once more.

"Him being 'The King' that you mentioned?" Surprisingly it is Batgirl who asks the question. It seems that unlike Red Hood she was able to pull herself out of the fog of terror that had encased them all.

Luka nods slowly his curls once more bouncing around his face, "That would be the one."

John Constantine seems to have gathered himself once more, "What is this King's name? And why does he need Marinette?" John's second question seems more rushed, and air of desperation and demand lies within the inquiry.

"His name is Axel Betzalel and he is no King. Axel needs Marinette for what she represents as I mentioned earlier." The response is guarded. He is hiding something, that much Red Hood can tell, even if his words are not recognisable within Red Hood's mind.

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