CHAPTER 12 - One Scream at a Time

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Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day

September 5th 2024


Derek was never a particularly religious man, yet he found himself praying to whomever would listen that this would be over soon.

By the lavish grace of a supernatural unknown his current desire was on its way, slowly but surely. Derek also possesses an unrelenting suspicion that many members of the group held the same sentiment. They all appeared to harbour a hidden need to leave Ravenhold.

Derek couldn't agree more.

As they all congregated into the observation room, the air was full with sparking tension. Negative energy produced by the very same people fuelled the heavy air. Derek was all too aware that the sooner they got out, the better.

Getting them to 'Ground Zero' would calm all of the group.

He exchanges a look that spoke a thousand words with Officer N. They themselves wanted the group to leave just as, if not more badly. Officer N is currently gazing at the group with hardened eyes and a concerned curl of their mouth that exposes the sharp fangs that lay beneath, and furrowed brows as they assess each member of the rag-tag bunch.

Casting a wide-eyed look to the current inhabitants of the room Derek gains a small insight into their current state of mind.

The three that he had just escorted back into the room were now huddled around both Red Robin and Red Hood, who appeared as though they were just re-gaining consciousness.

Desperately clawing their way out of the rabbit hole.

Batman had moved from his firm stance by the monitor to hover near Wonder Woman and John Constantine. Both of whom were engaged in a hushed discussion. Hands were waving wildly as they spoke. Derek caught pieces of their words, but could not string together their meaning.

Luka has provided him with some very interesting and potentially very useful information. Derek has his work cut out for him this weekend. He makes a metaphorical list in his mind of all the thing he needs to research, and the review he needs to draft and then send to the heads of the MPO.

This interrogation has probably scarred the group but the knowledge gained was worth it. Yet Luka's cryptid answers have left an abundance of unanswered questions.

A soft strumming fills the room once more.

A song that speaks of peace as it reaches hungry ears that search for a tether to reality. Derek notices all of the figures in the room release a deep breath. Tension leaves their bodies as the protection magic that swirls around them begins to thrum once more.

Officer N makes a hand gesture to Derek, their own subtle way of telling him to get the group out of their room. Derek nods in acknowledgement. The Officers here do not have much contact with outsiders. People stick to themselves; everyone has their own space for working. Truly they were introverts at heart. You had to be to work in a place as isolated as Ravenhold.

The atmosphere was not helped by the frantic state of the group.

Derek claps his hands to get everyone's attention, "Alright guys, we will now be heading back out onto Level B and then to the lift. From there we will head to 'Ground Zero'. I trust that you all got the information you needed."

He doesn't miss the relief displayed briefly on the faces of those in the room. With practiced steps he moves with soundless grace to the exit. Upon reaching the large door he pauses and turns his head to face the room. A subtle encouragement for them to mirror his actions. There is a brief pause before they make the connection between his look and his stance directly in front of the door, when they do, they instantly pick themselves up and head over to him.

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