CHAPTER 2 - Darkness Lives Within Us

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Happy Together - The Turtles

September 5th 2024

Marinette Dupain-Cheng is nothing if not patient.

Getting caught by the MPO was admittedly not on Marinette's seemingly never-ending list of things to do. But everyone needs a vacation at some point. In actuality her very being here was due to Luka's capture twelve months ago.

If he had avoided getting apprehended then Marinette could have been 'vacationing' these past few months on some remote beach somewhere hot, sipping expensive cocktails. Alas, that was not on the cards for her at the moment. For now, five white walls and an endless supply of vodka orange will suffice.

To break him out required one of them to be caught and arrested by the MPO. Marinette's mindset was go big or go home. Much to Chloé's distain. Marinette's idea was to give the public what they so desperately craved for.


Marinette voiced aloud, 'when we infiltrate Ravenhold and escape unharmed, the world will know exactly who they are dealing with, for hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.'
Unfortunately, nefarious plans are placed on the back burner for now.

Marinette has visitors to entertain.


A blinding light followed by a burrowing darkness is what greets the group as they enter the prison.

A sudden intrusive pressure ingrains itself in their brains, like phantom hands digging through the depths of their minds. Tearing them apart from the inside. Seemingly once the hands were satisfied with whatever they found the pressure released and pained groans fill the pristine entryway of the prison.

In terms of Officer K, his own morning was delightfully pleasant. Awoken by the aromatic smell of freshly brewed coffee and a mind-melting kiss from his husband, he was thoroughly ready to start the day. He strolled through the maze of corridors in Ravenhold with a skip in his step while he reviewed his jobs for the day. Frist up: Greet the visiting group upon their entry into Ravenhold (and smooth out any damage caused by Brian.)

Officer K's steps slowed as he came upon the entryway, he grimaced as he came across the visitors and assessed their current state.

At present they were all splayed across the ground clutching their heads. He could hear groans and absentminded muttering. He sighs deeply concluding that Brian must have forgot to warn them about the spell that casts itself over all visitors when they set foot in the prison.

The spell is there as a safety precaution to ward off threats to Ravenhold. Upon entry, a person's brain is invaded by the prison, it tears through the layers in their minds and looks for plans to cause the prison harm. It can be quite painful if you are unprepared, which this group clearly was.

Officer K supposes that this must be Brian's form of payback. He remembers Brian complaining last month in the lunchroom while simultaneously downing a glass of wine. Something about a group of people wanting entrance to the prison and how many requests they swamped him with, if he recalls correctly.

The dark-haired woman wearing what he identifies as Amazonian battle armour gets up first, swiftly followed by a tall dark-haired boy dressed like a traffic light, Robin then. Officer K is forced to suppress a snort which threatens to escape him as his opinions about the young man's suit are brought to the forefront of his mind.

Before he can gage the state of the others, traffic light boy begins to yell at him in a guttural voice,

"What was that? What did you do to us?" Robin accuses glaring at Officer K. Robin's barely restrained anger is shown by the balling of his fists and his instinctual reach for the hilt of his katana.

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