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Brandon's pov

We were getting back to the house, which meant it was getting closer to say goodbye. I got a call two days ago that the audition will be in a month, moms got worried because we all thought it wouldn't be that long, so they wanted me to stay at home for that time and go later. Instead of me going in a week, I will go to New York in three weeks. Callie and I were obviously not happy, but we came to the conclusion that since Callie will be insanely busy with lots of finals during that time, that it's probably smart to let her focus on school, and have me focus on my upcoming audition instead of stressing over a job, bills, and my audition. Unfortunately, we have to be away from each other much longer than we want. Callie and I decided that it would be easier for us to say our goodbyes at home than wait for it to come. Thirty minutes until Callie needs to be at the airport so; home, goodbyes, and then she leaves.

Callie's pov

We all pulled into the driveway, my heart sank.

Brandon: Here we go.

Callie: Yup.

Brandon: Hey. He said calmly lifting up my chin to look at him. Everything will be okay. Okay?

Callie: Okay, but how do know, it's three weeks Brandon, a lot could change, I don't want them to change. I say breathing heavily.

Brandon: Listen Callie, I know your nervous, and I would love to say I wasn't nervous either, but I can't say that cause I am. I can tell you that I love you and that I know you love me. If we were meant to be than we will be together whether that be three weeks or a year. We have been through so much-he paused and took a breath- together. We have gone through everything together and even when we weren't together we knew we would be there for each other. So no, I can't tell you I am not nervous, but I can tell you that I am one hundred percent sure with every fiber of my being that I love you and you love me. Doesn't that means something?

Callie: Of course it means something, it means everything. Within that moment he kissed me with so much love and I kissed back not wanting to let go. Okay, I need to go and you need to help me get my stuff. We both get out of the car and walked toward the house, slowly.

Mariana's pov

The whole family, except for Brandon and Callie were waiting in the living room. I really hate that Callie is leaving so soon, but her life is waiting for her back in New York, but I have this gut feeling that Callie will be coming back and staying for a much longer time. I know this because of the way her and Brandon walk into the house.

Mariana: Are you ready?

Callie: Yeah, I just need to put my bags in the car.

Brandon: I got it, say bye to everyone and then I will wait outside.

Callie: Thanks. She says giving him a sad look and he walks out the door. Okay well-she started to cry.

Mariana: Awe Callie, I say running to give her a hug. Before you know it, we will see you again, okay?

Callie: I know, she says pulling away and wiping her tears, laughing a little, I am just going to miss you guys a lot.

Stef: Alright! Everyone group hug! We all laugh and squeeze Callie together, and we all end the hug knowing she has to go.

Callie: Lena your driving me right?

Lena: Yeah, I will go start the car and you and Brandon can go say bye.

Callie: Okay thanks. They walk out of the house Callie following Lena.

Brandon's pov

I close the trunk and see Callie standing right in front of me, I pull her close, holding her in my arms.

Callie: Uh, Lena is in the car. She says pulling away.

Brandon: So this is it?

Callie: No it's not. Three weeks and I will be counting down the days. She says with tears rolling down her eyes.

Brandon: Callie. I sigh, she just looks at me for a second and kisses me. We pull apart and she rests her forehead against my chest and I kiss her head and whisper. Three weeks, and I kiss her head.

Callie: Bye, I love you. She says walking away giving my hand a little squeeze before getting in the car. They start pulling out.

Brandon: I love you too. I give her a small kiss. They pull into the street and they drive off.

I walk back to the front steps, sit down, and smile.

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