Chapter 13

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(Zeno Palace, Tea room)

They were sitting on a rectangular table. Uni sat next to the zennys, the future was on her right of her and the present was on her left. Whis and Vados in front of each other. Shisi was sitting next to Whis. While Goku sat next to Shisa. Grand Minister clapped his hand making tea cups and pods began to move on their own. Zennys look at them amazed. They began to pour drinks into everyone's cups going with the tune of a song. Goku watched amazed as well.

Shisa signals at Shisi. Shisi leaned back a bit looking at her. She began to mouth talk to him wondering how this happened. Shisi shrugged confused as well. Shisa's mind then click and look at Uni who was just clapping her hands to the tune of the music and smiling. The zennys clapped along with her joining in the fun. Shisa ground herself knowing that Uni did this to her. Whis and Vados watched as the food came in and placed it down on their plates. Grand Minister began to speak.

Grand Minister: "Since the time we once had 18th universes. We have been gathered around here enjoying each other company to keep peace and harmony in all the universes. We thank the Omni Kings for letting each universe live and Flourished in its own way. As for Okāsan, we thank you for creating the Universe Tree and sharing your wisdom and motherly with us"

All: "Thank you Omni Kings and Okāsan"

Goku: "Oh. Thank you Zennys and Uni"

Grand Minister: "Now we may eat and enjoy the party. Eat as much as you want"

Zennys: "Okay!"

Goku eats quickly feeling hungry. The others eat normally except for Goku and Shisa. Shisi sighs with Whis as they look up thinking the same thing.

Both: 'Saiyans'

Goku swallows and looks at Whis. Whis eats with a fork calmly till Goku gets Whis's attention. Whis looks at Goku munching on his food.

Goku: "I have a question"

Whis: *swallow* "What is it Goku?"

Goku: "What does Uni do exactly?"

Almost Everyone stops eating and looks at Goku who just stared blankly at Whis. Goku spoke again.

Goku: "I'm not saying anything bad but this is my first time hearing of Uni. Is she strong like the Zennys?"

Whis: "Now Goku-"

Vados: "My, I thought he knew"

Goku: "Know what?"

Whis: "I didn't think he would need to know if he never met her"

Goku: "Know what? Can someone please tell me?"

Grand Minister: "Certainly Goku"

Zennys: "Story time! Yeah!"

Grand Minister float to the center and began to make pictures appear around them. Goku looked at them amazed as Grand Minister spoke.

Grand Minister: "Now Goku. Listen carefully. Long ago when we still had 18 universes, some say the Omni kings planted a magical seed in a planet. It grew into a tree creating its own world and began to protect everything around it. Even the multiverses. We call it the Universe Tree. This tree bloomed one flower and that flower is no other than who you see before you, Okāsan. She has been the main protector of that tree for many eons"

Goku: "Oh. So she's strong like the Zennys?"

Whis: "Yes. Though she isn't a fighter actually. She uses her magic mostly to help those in need"

Grand Minister: "But.."

Goku; "Hm?"

Vados: "Seems like he's not done yet"

Grand Minister: "For every life and Light. There is always darkness and death"

Grand Minister snapped his fingers making the room dark. The Zennys hugged Uni scared. Uni watches the Grand Minister silent. Goku looks around and then at Grand Minister who looks scary with darkness surrounding his face.

Grand Minister: "In the deepest pit of the roots of the tree. Darkness emerged from the ground! This darkness began to corrupt and destroy things in its path. Our lords wanted to demolish it, but Okāsan had another plan. She banished the darkness to the darkest void of the planet. Some say the darkness can still return and destroy things again"

Grand Minister waved his hand around making the darkness disappear into his hand making the room light up again. The zennys look around slowly letting go of Uni. Shisa look away eating a bit slowly. Shisi watched silently with Goku.

Grand Minister: "Many say the darkness still roams around in silence. It's just waiting for a moment to strike the weak"

Everyone began to clap as the Grand Minister bowed and landed down. Vados leaned close to Whis whispering something making Whis chuckle at her. Goku looked at Shisa who was eating looking away.

PZenny: "That was a great story!"

FZenny: "Here!"

Future Zenny hands Grand Minister a slice of bread. Grand Minister grabbed it smiling at the Omni kings.

Grand Minister: "You are too kind my lords"

Goku look at them seeing they were distracted. He gets out of his chair slowly without making a noise. He went to Shisa's chair. Shisa looked at Goku confused munching. Goku grabbed her hand and quickly took off. Shisa gets dragged surprised. Whis eyes look at them watching silently. Shisa jerks her hand away from Goku.

Shisa: "Let go Goku! What do you think you're doing?"

Goku; "I was getting us out of the party so we can have time to ourselves"

Shisa: "I'm going back"

Goku; "What? Why?!"

Shisa: "We are supposed to be with Omni kings. Not doing this"

Goku; "Wait a minute"

Shisa: "No forget it!"

Goku; "Come on Shisa!"

Shisa: "No!"

Goku frowned till he saw her tail. He got an idea and grabs her tail tight making her tense up and fall down on her knees. Goku grinned and placed her on his shoulder.

Shisa: "Goku..... L-Let go of my tail!...."

Goku: "Sorry, Shisa. But I'm not letting this opportunity I have to go to waste"

Shisa: "Goku!"

Goku began to walk carrying her. Shisa struggled the best she could since he was still holding her tail. Shisa groaned in frustration and goes limp waiting for him to drop her down. Shisi look around noticing Goku and Shisa were gone. He looks at Whis.

Shisi: "Whis, where's Goku and Shisa?"

Whis: "I'm sure those two run off to have some time with each other"

Shisi: "Is that a good idea?"

Whis: "No"

Shisi: "Maybe I should try to get her back"

Whis: "I advice you to stay here for now"

Shisi: "Why?"

Whis; "The Omni kings have not yet noticed them. Let them have their time. I'm sure nothing will go wrong"

Shisi: "I hope you're right"

Shisi looks down worry as he eats his food and drinks. Whis, look at the Omni kings seeing they were eating and drinking with Uni talking to her. Uni giggled watching them smiling. Then she look at Whis smiling and she grinned at him cheerfully. Whis smiled back and nodded at her.

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