Chapter 15

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-Next day-
(Gohan House)

Gohan: "You saw that last night didn't you Piccolo?"

Piccolo: "The lights? Yeah, I did. I think everyone saw it"

Gohan: "How did they appear? It's impossible for them to appear where we are"

Piccolo: "I believe it involves someone doing them"

Gohan: "What?"

Videl: "Gohan. Goku is here"

Gohan and Piccolo turn to look seeing Goku walking into the room smiling with Health behind him.

Goku: "Yo!"

Gohan: "Dad did you see those lights in the sky?"

Goku; "Wait you guys were able to see them?"

Piccolo: "Yeah"

Goku: "Wow. She really is amazing"

Gohan; "Who is dad?"

Goku: "That's what I came here to talk about. But first, Health has some news"

Goku sat down on the chair as Health sat down as well in the chair joining the table with Gohan and Piccolo. They look at Health who was smiling.

Gohan; "What's the news Health?"

Health: *looks at the hall entrance* "Come on out your majesty"

Piccolo: "W-Wait! You mean-?"

Gohan and Piccolo look quickly. A hand came out holding the wall. King Buu peek a bit looking at them with a frown on his face. Gohan stood up surprised looking at him.

 Gohan stood up surprised looking at him

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Gohan: "King Buu? You're alright!"

King Buu slowly enters the room showing the turn-up wings and his chest all bandaged up. His tail was hanging down low to the ground. Videl watched surprised holding Pan in her hand. Pan coos and flies to King Buu reaching her hands up. King Buu look at Pan silent. Pan sneezed and falls down. King Buu quickly reacted taking a quick step and catching her. But because of the sudden stop, his back sent a jolt of pain on his whole body making him grunt and fall down to the ground holding Pan protectively.

Gohan: "King Buu!"

Videl covered her mouth surprised. Gohan goes to him quickly and bends down to him. Piccolo and Goku watch them silent. Health frowned watching. Gohan looked at him worried.

Gohan: "Are you alright?"

King: "I-I-I'm fine..... S-So is Pan..."

King Buu showed Pan in his hand. Pan looked at Gohan and laughs happily. Gohan smiled a bit grabbed Pan and holds her. King Buu slowly tries to get up to his feet. Gohan helps him get up slowly.

Piccolo: "He usually pushes away when he needs help"

Goku: "Whoever did this to him. Gave him really bad damage"

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