Chapter 52

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(Planet Majin)

King Vegeta spoke to Health wondering where the hell King Buu was. He was never late to these kind of meetings. Prince Vegeta was near the food counter table eating observing everyone in the room. Emperor Cold was here too drinking his wine. He walked towards the men and spoke getting their attention.

Cold: "Where is the King? I promise my boys to be back home to play some games"

Health: "I'm sorry, your majesty. King usually is here on time. He's never this late"

Cold: "Oh dear? Something happened to the poor boy?"

Health: "I pray not. But I'm sure he will be here soon"

Health smiled nervously. Prince Vegeta watched each one silently as he grabbed the food from the table and onto his plate. King Vegeta had his arms crossed looking a bit anxious about Emperor Cold. After all, he was the big boss for the Saiyans. He is the one who tells them what next world to conquer and sell. Emperor Cold came here to have a friendly discussion with King Buu. His big plan for him and his kingdom. King Vegeta was just here for his daily meeting with King Buu with his son.

Health began to rub the back of his head worrying about King wondering where could he have gone. Though Health and Prince Vegeta knew King Buu was never late for things like this. He was always on time. Especially if there was traffic, he would always make it on time. Something was off today and those two knew it. They had a feeling in their stomach and it was upsetting them. Health turns to head to the front door getting a bit impatient.

Health: "I'm gonna go look for him. I'm sure he didn't go too far"

Cold: "I'll send my men out to look for him as well. I'm sure he is still here on this planet"

Health nodded and began to head to the front door till it opened. Health stops walking, King Vegeta and Cold look wondering who was opening that door. Prince Vegeta looks curious as well. King Buu enters the castle with a dull gloomy look on his face. Prince Vegeta knew something was off seeing the face told him.

Health: "Your majesty! Where have you been? We were worried about you! I was gonna go searching for you!"

Cold: "You gave us a scare, dear"

King Buu closed the door his wings facing them panting. Why was he breathing so hard? Prince Vegeta placed the food on the table and began to walk towards them quietly. King Buu began to turn around to face them. Their eyes widened seeing blood dripping from King's mouth, his eyes closed up as he held a bleeding wound on the side of his stomach. King Buu tried to speak but he coughed making more blood come out. Health cover his mouth surprised. King Buu felt the place spin around crazy. He leaned far to the side and fell. Health reacted quickly and caught King before he could touch the floor.

Health: "King!!"

King didn't respond, he was passed out from blood loss. Cold walked towards them as King Vegeta spoke to Health.

King Vegeta: "Let's take him to the infirmary quickly!"

Cold: "No need. I have a better solution"

Health and King Vegeta glanced at Emperor Cold as he bent down grabbed King from Health's hands and carried him. He looks at them seriously.

Cold: "We'll take him to the healing tank"

Health: "Healing tank?"

Cold flies off quickly, and Health follows him with King Vegeta. Prince Vegeta follows them behind silent wondering what happened to King Buu. Emperor Cold makes it to his ship and he places King Buu inside the healing tank. He closes the tank and pushes the buttons. Water began to fill up the tank and began to read his heartbeat. He was still breathing barely. Cold sighs in relief as Health and King Vegeta enter the room. Health looked at the tank machine surprised.

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