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{ Recap: A rough voice snapped me out of my thinking. "We don't mean any harm. All we need is money and... Information. On Lady Iris to be exact."}

"We know she's on this train... And if you could just point the way to her, that would be mighty helpful." I froze for a second, "And if you can't point your way to her, just tell us all you know about her."

A cold chill went down my back, and my mom squeezed my arm. I turned to see her with a poker face, but her eyes were terrified. At least nobody on this train knew I was Lady Iris, or at least I hoped not. I turned back towards the intruders. I could take them on, I think. That must not be what she's worried about though. It seems a whole organization was against me. I decided I would try to get information from them first.

I swallowed dryly, and tried to push down my fear. "And who are you?" I remarked, trying to sound like a pushy outspoken girl: which I was not. My mom widened her eyes and looked at me as if I was crazy.

The one with the rough voice was in he middle of the three, and he seemed to be the leader. The other two seemed almost lost, like they were recruits.

He seemed to chuckle, and then frown. "How do you not know us?" He snarled. "We're worldwide! Or were you raised under a rock?"

Well, I was practically raised under a rock...

I decided to shut my mouth. Nothing good could come from a 'worldwide' thief company.

The leader then pointed at the moon pin, and raised his eyebrow. "Ever heard of the Equinox Organization?" I tried to keep my face emotionless, but he could see I was absolutely clueless. For a second he looked like he was about to laugh, but then he had a good look at me and then paused, and his brows furrowed, as if he realized something.

He slowly grabbed a walkie-talkie out of his pocket, and hesitantly lifted it to his mouth to speak into it. Does he know who I am? Just by me not knowing what Equinox is? But how?

It didn't matter now, I just had to stop him before he brought more of those moon-goons in. I had to think of something... And fast. I knew a few things to illusion up... but not really anything helpful.

I mean, I was never born to be super.

~9 years ago, December 8, 2028~ (7 years old)

The air was bitter and cold, and I wrapped my large black coat around me as I was walking away from the graveyard. The coat was large, way too big for a seven year old, and it slipped down to my ankles.

"Skylene, I'm sorry about your dad. Are you okay?"

I turned to find Dean, my best friend, and his father, who ironically seemed more like my father than my own. The voice came from him.

They too had black coats, and Dean's, like mine, was many sizes larger. I almost smiled at the memory of Davyn, Dean's father, realizing he ordered the XXL coats from a men's warehouse, then frantically calling around at the last second trying to find children's coats, but to his dismay it was too late. I would've giggled, but I couldn't at a time like this.

"Mhm," I answered, and brushed them away. I turned around and continued trudging through the snow.

"Are you sure, Skylene?" Davyn asked again, placing his hand gently on my shoulder. "Yes!" I answered, maybe a bit too aggressively, and I pulled my shoulder away from him.

"Skye?" Dean said, finally speaking. I turned towards him and looked into those familiar bright gray eyes. He scratched the back of his neck, then continued, "but are you... completely okay? Because ever since the accident..." I turned away and continued walking and Dean hurried after me. "I mean like, you've been acting very different and I just-"

"I said- I'M OKAY!" I screamed, turning around, and suddenly a wave of heat roved off of me , melting the snow around me, and causing Dean and Davyn to jump back reflexively.

Our whole small town had came to the funeral- my dads funeral. My alcoholic "dads" funeral. This was because of him, I knew it. Ever since we crashed into the nuclear power plant, but why me? Why did I live?

The townspeople all stood frozen, and the ring of wet grass under me sold me out to everyone looking by. Davyn stood emotionless, Dean looked at me with a sort of wonder, and my mother stood by, her eyes wide with fear, and I could see a tear slip from her eye.

I looked down at my hands, the hands that looked exactly same as the hands I had a week ago. But yet it wasn't.

I pushed past everybody and stopped at my fathers tombstone, dropping down in front of it. I curled into a ball, tears slipping down my cheeks without me even knowing it.

What monster did you make me into?


Thanks again everyone for reading this? And now we see some of Skylene's origins, and we will be seeing a lot more of that heartbreaking story. 'Till next time!

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