Meet Your New Heroes~ 11

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I continued walking around the city. I was officially dumbfounded from what happened back there.

'See you around Nova Tower.'

What did that mean? Were they... different, like me? I needed to find out.

To Nova Tower I go.

Along the way I noticed graffiti, which was strange in itself, in a perfect glass city. But it wasn't just graffiti, it seemed like it was propaganda too. They were mostly on posters that I couldn't decipher because of the damage. All over the place I could see moons, the same ones as Equinox wore, messages to join the Equinox, and a black caped figure.


I promised myself to research Eclipse once I got home from Nova tomorrow night. I needed all the sleep I could get tonight.

Equinox was definitely in charge of this vandalism, but was that all they did? Rob trains, keep authorities away, and vandalize streets?

There had to be much more to Equinox, for Nova to track me down from some nothing city.

I finally reached Nova Tower as the sun started dipping into the ocean. I had to say, Magna City at sunset was even so much prettier. The glassy buildings looked like they were on fire, and angles of purple twilight would shine through in places. It absolutely stole my breath away.

When I reached the building, I didn't physically see them, but I found what I was looking for. Now I knew what posters they were writing over.

There were three large posters at the front, each of them were titled with "Meet your new Heroes!"

The first had the name Donovan at the top. I had yet to meet him. He had dark skin, gold eyes, purple shirt, and he had a buzz cut. He looked like he was in his mid 20's. He was posing in a way that the highlight of the picture was a golden glove with a black stone in the middle of it. They had a small description area underneath, so I read it.

Donovan volunteered at Nova when he was a small child, and through research, a glove was created to maximize damage through the use of an exquisite nuclear stone attached. However, since then, nobody has found a way to take the glove off, forever entitling him to it.

So, he makes bigger punches?

That poster seemed like the oldest up there, and it probably was since apparently he was always with Nova. For all I know, that picture could've been taken five years ago.

The next I saw I assumed was the man I spilled coffee on. Inferno, it said at the top. In the picture he was looking down at the floor, and everything around him was dark except for his hands, which had flames licking up his arm. His costume was a mix of red and black, and the way it was set up, it looked like he was coal burning in fire.

So, he made the coffee super hot, then made a big deal about having hot coffee poured on him when he can't even feel it? Jerk.

Inferno was caught in an accident with a dangerous chemical when he was in his 20's, and it changed his life- and appearance - forever. That dangerous chemical stuck to his skin, and now he holds the key to an endless supply of oil and gas-right at his fingertips. Using the flamethrowers in his gloves, he can ignite a dangerous explosion when desirable.

"You checking me out?"

I turned to see Ayden/Inferno leaning against a futuristic lamp-post, smirking.

I rolled my eyes and went onto the next poster.

"So, Mr. Inferno-Ayden, why not use your real name?" I joked, while skimming the poster.

Inferno was smiling. "Skye, is it?" He asked, and I froze for a second.

How did he know my name?!

"Don't freak out, I'm not a stalker. You have your name on your necklace." He said amusedly. I let out a breath of relief, nodded, looked down at the necklace that held my name on it. I had completely forgotten about that. Dean had given it to me...

"And as an answer to your question, Skye," Inferno said, and his face seemed to somber up. " I learned from my mistakes." He answered quietly. I turned to see him solemnly looking at the floor. I seemed to have killed his joking mood.

On the poster was the nice woman that was with Ayden, that somehow healed my hand. Queen Ivy.

"Queen?" I remarked. "Don't tell me it's just some superhero name."

"I don't know, you tell me. You're the one checking up on your heroes. To be honest, I haven't been lucky enough to meet any of them. I especially want to meet Inferno. He seems charming."

He seemed to have gotten his joking mood back quite easily. I glared over at him, and then looked back at the poster. I still hadn't forgiven him for the coffee. Man, that hurt.

In Ivy's picture, she was sitting on a silver throne overtaken by vines. She had her legs crossed, and a dress on with shades of green. On top of her head sat a tiara, but not one of those tiaras filled with diamonds and gems to the brim. This was... plainer; but it was obvious that it held much importance. It was a light green color with a dark green gem in the middle. Strapped on her back was a sword.

"Ivy looks epic."

"Well, I think Inferno looks epic-er."

I glanced back at him. "For a thirty year old, you act very childish."

"Twenty-six, child."

I once again rolled my eyes, and looked back at the description.

See, this is why I need a mask. Nobody takes a teenage hero seriously.

Queen Ivy is the prestigious Queen of the A'ishah tribe of Troika Island. After her parent's unnatural death, she rose up to be queen and to avenge her parents. With royalty came the the powers of the Batukhan Tree, the royal heritage powers of their people. Her royal powers enable her to regenerate quickly, heal others, and manipulate plants to do her bidding.

"So, she actually is a Queen."

"You could say that. I mean, I could say I'm the king of some little fire men coming from an island God knows where, and they would believe me because I have power."

For a guy making a lot of wisecracks, he seemed very negative.

"You really think she isn't actually a Queen?"

"Well, Queen of Kindness, I'm sure of that."

"Yeah. She healed me from your coffee spill."

"Hey, to my defense, you spilled coffee on me first."

"You didn't even feel it! Plus, you threw the coffee at me!"

"Well, I said whoops, so-"

"Just stop," I said, and rubbed my temples. "Point is, that wasn't nice, and I have to go home now." I started walking back towards my apartment when I heard him clear his throat, so I turned.

Ayden raised an eyebrow. "That's it? You're meeting the soon-going-to-be-famous Inferno, and you're just leaving me with 'that's mean, bye'? You don't want an autograph or anything? This is probably the last time you'll see me except in news."

I couldn't hide my smirk, so I turned and started walking back home. "Trust me, I think I'll be seeing you many more times."


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