Stay Safe ~ 7

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He wasn't completely lying, the room was filled with boxes. But there was still a lot more in there.

The room was rectangular, and the wide side had all-glass windows that looked over Magna City. It was a very stunning view, which suddenly made me think, How much did this room cost? Probably a lot. Then I paused,

And how the hell is he getting the money?

I pushed that to the back of my mind, and I surveyed the room. Training equipment was in there, a treadmill, a punching bag, a matted area, equipment, and some other things I couldn't make out.

I raised an eyebrow at him, and he shrugged. "You uh, found a new hobby?" I asked him.

"Yeah, boxing and wrestling. I started doing classes after the commotion started going on. Needed to keep me and my family..." He looked over at his only family member, "safe."

"Safe from what?" I asked curiously. I walked by the full boxes and ran my hand over them, to find layers of dust on my fingers. I thought he was packing?

"I still have to pack these, but I won't put them away until the last day," Dean said, ignoring my question.

"When are you leaving?" I asked, swiping my fingers over all the boxes to see if they were all dusty. They all were.

"Uhh, soon." He then checked his watch for the date and widened his eyes. "Holy cow, two days actually. Sorry Skylene, but I really need to get packing."

His gaze settled on me, and I suddenly felt disturbed. I could no longer read his expressions...

We were always able to read each other so perfectly, and now I haven't got a single clue what he was thinking at the moment. It was almost like he completely closed himself off and learned how to not show anything.

His eyes were the same stormy gray, but now they were now clouded with mystery... and trouble? But I could surely see one thing: this Dean wasn't the Dean I knew. Something about him was completely different.

I put on a poker face and walked out of the room. My mom was having a conversation with Margret.

So she's not that far gone...

"Mom," I said, and placed my hand on her shoulder. "Dean says it's time to go."

She warily looked up at me, and then at Dean, who was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He was looking at me, and I searched his face, but found nothing. Many years ago he would've sent me a look saying, "Oh my god, say that you have to go, not that I sent you away!" He actually had sent me that look once; Dean sent me home because we broke their expensive vase, and when Davyn asked why I was leaving, I had accidentally told the truth.

But no, his face was completely unreadable.

My mom asked no questions, said her goodbyes, and then was at the door with me behind her. "So mom, you could hold a conversation with her? She's not that far gone?" I asked while my mom opened the door. "No," she answered quietly. "She kept mumbling about space."

"Hey, Skylene?" Dean called, and I turned towards him. "Have you got word of Eclipse and The Equinox?"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Is he talking about the moon, like a lunar eclipse? Equinox... wasn't that the group on the train?

My expression seemed to answer his question for him, so he led me out the door, and said, "Well, stay off the roads and stay safe. I don't want to lose yet another."

He then shut the door.


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