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The camera pans over the ruins of a burned village, many bodies laid out on the ground. An old man watches the burning village beside a child, who's kneeling down, grieving over his losses.

???: "Your old home no longer stands. It has been torn asunder, by invaders of flame."

It shows an army of Fire Nation Soldiers marching forward, leaving a trail of fire behind them.

A Wattpad Original

The camera then pans to a cliff where a Fire Nation soldier is crawling away from someone, but is stopped once a thrown spear impaled through their back, killing them as they tried reaching out for help.

A person wearing a hooded cloak walks over to the body and pulls out the spear before placing it onto his back sheathe. Then he knelt down next to the body and stabbed it with a blade which was connected to a strange device on his wrist as it shines for a moment before pulling it out. The person stood up and looked forward, which revealed to be a young man with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, this is Havi, last of the Raven Clan.

???: "Raven-Bearer."

It then shows a fortress of some kind and within it there was a bald kid dressed in monk attire all chained up.

???: "They have the Avatar."

Havi then runs towards the edge of the cliff.

???: "His fate hangs in the balance."

Then jumps off as he dives through the clouds.

???: "And so does ours."

He took the form of a dark raven with white markings and flew towards the fortress. Once close to a soldier, he dived towards them and reverted back into his human form before stabbing the soldier in the neck.

???: "Oh, Shapeshifter"

Next he hopped off the soldier and did a small roll before pulling out his spear from his back and stabbed a soldier that was charging at him, who tried to bend fire at him, through his chest before pulling it out to swing it around which slashed some of the surrounding soldier's necks. He spun his spear as the device suddenly shined blue before rushing forward and impaling a soldier through the chest and lifted him up into the air as the man screamed in pain.

???: "Destroyer"

The spear then glowed blue as ice crept from the weapon and covered the firebenders entire body. Once the body was completely covered, Havi twisted the spear and shattered the man into pieces. He then looked towards some Yuyan Archers on top of the wall of the fortress who shot an arrow into Havi's shoulder, making him grunt in pain as he pulled the arrow out from his shoulder. Havi then ran to the side as he jumped into the air, with his own bow in hand, and aimed it towards one of the archers as his arm glowed blue making the bow glow the same way.

???: "Deceiver"

Once he shot it and it hit its mark, it had transported him to the archer's location and impaled them with the spear, as it went through their back. He used his spear to knock the rest off the wall as he knelt down next to one of the firebender's bodies and stabbed them with his hidden blade, absorbing their energy. Some more soldiers went to attack him but were quickly taken care of once he evaded their fire and jumped into the air before swinging his spear around him, killing a few firebenders. Many more came in and outnumbered Havi, but he clenched his right hand which made the bodies he took down rise from the dead as they stood up and fought alongside him.

???: "Defier of Death..."

With more kills he made, more of the undead rose to fight for him. As the battle continued on, Havi made his way into the fortress where he threw the spear right through one of the guards heads before opening his right hand as the weapon left the dead man's corpse and returned to its wielder's hand.

Flashes of events pan through Havi's head as he looked at his bloody hands. The sound of someone walking behind him catches his attention as he turns around and sees Fire Lord Ozai wielding a sword in his hands.

???: "Avenge us, Almighty Havi..."

Havi and the Fire Lord glared at one another as they both held their weapons tightly before charging at one another.

???: "For only a God can kill a God!"

As they both neared one another, Havi jumped into the air and raised up the spear, with the tip of it still pointing at Ozai, as the Fire Lord stayed on the ground and pulled back his sword downard. Havi pushed his spear forward and Ozai slashed his sword upward, making both weapons clash and releasing a powerful burst of energy between them as everything fades to black.

 Havi pushed his spear forward and Ozai slashed his sword upward, making both weapons clash and releasing a powerful burst of energy between them as everything fades to black

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Avatar The Last Airbender: The Mad One

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