Chapter 10

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Silver took one short look above them before shaking off the rest of the net. They rose to their feet as the vines fell off them and it spread its wings. Cloud looked back at his uncle who was now staring at the dragon in disbelief.

Cloud could see Silver stare back at them before leaping up towards the sky.

He watched as the dragon bounded off tree after tree to reach to the top and once they were in the open air, they spread their wings and hovered over the forest. It scanned around before looking down at Cloud through the treetops.

Then out of nowhere, a whistle was heard from above them. Then more. And then another whistle echoed throughout the forest. Cloud had only heard this a few times back when they first found out about Silver in the forest. Cloud thought they might just be a signalling the other watchers that the dragon had escaped.

Then as Cloud continued to stare at Silver, who was now staring at something behind him, he heard a faint roar that did not sound like it came from Silver.

Then a jet of fire streamed towards Silver and a red dragon tackled him out of the sky.

"No." Cloud said silently as he saw Silver getting tackled by a red dragon. Another dragon zoomed past shortly after to chase them. Cloud needed to help him. Even if he's going to face off against two other dragons, Cloud needed to find a way to help Silver.

Glancing back at his uncle, Cloud saw he was still stammering from what happened. Cloud elbowed him, causing Fern to lose his grip. Cloud took the crossbow, which was on the ground when Cloud tackled him. Cloud darted away to where Silver might've landed.

Upon arriving to the spot, Cloud could not find Silver. The only dragons there were the two red ones and they were scanning the forest. Cloud then remembered that Silver had this ability to disappear from sight. Silver must've vanished into the forest when it got away.

The two red dragons began walking into the forest in search of Silver and Cloud realized that they were heading his way. Cloud dropped down into the bushes and peered through the leaves. They were walking slowly - scanning the environment as they walked forward.

Cloud kept wondering what they were. Cloud had never seen a dragon like this and he hadn't heard of anyone mentioning a dragon like this.

They were red as the evening fire. Their heads were angular and sharp and Cloud could tell from their piercing orange eyes that they were not nice like Silver.

The two dragons were almost on top of Cloud when he heard the distinct whistle echoing through the forest. The watchers are here, and they were rallying for an ambush.

Cloud saw the red dragons stop just short from his hiding spot and the two dragons tensed and looked around the forest for the source of the sound.

Silence came and for a short while the two dragons were lowering their guard.

Then a screech came from one of the dragons. It clutched at its eye and blood was trickling down the side of its face. The other dragon turned to other dragon, concern on its face.

It came close to the wounded dragon, but then it tensed up as it sensed something wrong.

It whipped back its wings and batted something out of the sky. The object flew to the side, close to where Cloud was hiding. Cloud took a closer look and realized it was a shattered arrow.

Soon a barrage of arrows rained down on the dragons.

The uninjured dragon shielded itself and its accomplice with its huge wings. Cloud then looked at the other dragon who had one of their eyes shot out by an arrow and smoke was rising from the its nostril.

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