EXTRAS: Bush Clan of the Rainforest

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"For the clan, with honor!" ~ Hyawl klin, vwesh yawnal!

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"For the clan, with honor!" ~ Hyawl klin, vwesh yawnal!

The Bush Clan is an isolated clan of humans composed of descendants of the lower classes from the old civilization. They live in the subterranean village of Defiant found inside an ancient iron mine located in the far western region of the rainforest kingdom. Millennia of oppression by the dragons and other dangers in the forest have hardened them to their craft and allowed them to develop methods of dealing with threats using camouflage and ambush tactics.


The Skywatchers are an organized group of hunters and rangers stationed all around the forest close to the village to keep watch for threats and dragons. They are usually perched high up on the trees and carry bows for defense. Their marksmanship are unrivaled and are capable of hitting a targets with much precision.

Few specialized rangers carry a crossbow, a more powerful weapon but harder to manufacture. They can shoot iron bolts with much force that are even capable of penetrating dragon scales. However they don't fly very far and have to be shot dangerously close in order to be effective.

To hide against predators, the skywatchers use a cloak which are essential for their job. They are made of tough plant fibers and allow hunters and watchers to attach foliage and branches to keep them well camouflaged from various threats. While hidden, they can keep watch over a dangerous threat without putting themselves in danger.

Skywatchers also use a variety of whistles and chirps to communicate long distances and hide their presence. When they spot danger, they give out a loud, piercing whistle to alert anyone who hears it and give them time to rush to safety. Some techniques used for whistling include grass whistles and hand gestures. Other tools could also be used such as an experiment glass whistle to be used by non-watchers.

Territorial Control and Politics

Their territory spans the entire far western edge of the rainforest. The tribe is very resentful towards outsiders and will act aggressively towards anyone from outside the clan. They are isolationists and rarely interact with other human settlements from outside the forest. Because of their reclusive nature, most humans and dragons don't realize the existence of this settlement.

There are a few scouting outposts north of Defiant to watch out for outsiders and dragons. Each outpost is usually manned by one or two watchers but could be occupied by an entire unit. Their purpose is to drive away outsiders and call out any dragon activity happening in the area.

The only other settlement they've established a relationship with is a fishing village to the south known as Tranquility which is inhabited by the Wave Clan, another group that has the same ancestry as the Bush Clan.

They established a trade route with the fishing village, providing the village with weapons, metals, and wood while the village provides fish, salt, sand, and sea leather made of dried seaweed. The area is far enough away from dragons for scavengers to prosper relatively undisturbed.

Known Bush Clan Members:
Chief Warren

"All we want is to be left alone." ~ Yawl vwoo vwoyawnt ezh tee foo lohyet yelawn.

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