The Adventure Continues in...

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Nova swiftly ran down the alley and rushed off to the marketplace. Luckily none of the soldiers saw her as they soon got busy dealing with the city guards. A skirmish now ensued over the residential district and dragons were rushing to get to the safety of their homes. Some of the city guards quickly rushed into combat, but were soon getting outnumbered by Scarlet's forces. Nova didn't have time to think about them as she now entered the market which was getting more crowded as the day went on.

Dragons have now stopped their browsing and dragonets stopped their play as they now gawk over the skirmish happening over their homes. Some of the soldiers had slipped away from the guards and were now scouring the market for her. Dragonets were being pulled close by their mothers while the soldiers scanned the crowd from above. A few soldiers landed on the market causing the dragons to give them a wide berth. One landed dangerously close to her as she snuck past.

Heading her way through North Horizon city market, Nova was planning to sneak through the crowd to avoid detection. With the density of dragons around this time day, it would've been the perfect opportunity to slip out unnoticed. But considering her focus was on looking out for Scarlet's dragons, she was not aware of the baskets she was about to trip on.

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