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I should've carried her

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I should've carried her.

Is what I thought as I watched her small feet pumping herself forward, trying their hardest to go faster. Even at her best she wasn't moving quick enough to get us away from the predator that was diving behind our heels. She could barely keep up with me.

Glancing back, I could now see that the animal itself was blind with no other holes on its face but its terrifyingly large mouth with a shocking number of teeth inside. I flinched as it opened its jaws once more to let out a horrifying shriek.

Definitely not my favorite way to go.

From what could see, the one in control was the rider on its back who seemed to be as angry as their pet. I wondered what we could've possibly done to offend them, maybe we had trespassed on their camp?

Sue me for thinking it was abandoned, in my defense I didn't believe anyone could possibly have been living that way.

Sensing the unusual noise of the beast coming out of the sand again I glanced back again only to notice that all that was behind me was its bruised tail that had not yet followed its head yet. My eyes widened and I opened my mouth to warn Astra, but it was too late.

We are knocked to the ground once more by it and surprisingly faster than me Astra is on her feet again trying to escape and I almost follow her until she is thrown back into me causing us to both to tumble back into the sand. The beast then continues to trap us in a little circle by rising from the ground and burrowing back into it around us until we are completely trapped by its moving flesh.

Once we have no place else to run it rises out from the sand once more and its rider jumps off, landing right in front of us. Their pet leans down and whilst facing us unhinges its mouth to roar in our faces whilst its owner stands in front of it unfazed.

Astra grabs me tight and cowers behind me as the animal continued to screech hot hair at us until its rider raised up a single hand, silencing it. Walking up to us, Astra continues to tremble and hold me tighter as I avoid looking at the person, waiting for them to command their animal to devour us.

I am shocked however when they grab my face in one hand whilst using the other to dig the tips of their fingers into the wound above my eyebrow that could've been caused by either of my crash landings, I couldn't be bothered to remember.

I tried to flinch away from them as they dipped their nails past the dried blood as the wound had already stopped bleeding uncaring that they were reopening it but they kept me in place until their fingers were coated in my blood. I shifted slightly, remembering a little detail about my new friend behind me.

"I can smell your blood," She stated, only clutching me tighter.

"If you pass out, I'll let it eat you first," I promised, keeping an eye on the person in front of me as they assessed the dark blue that now covered their hand. They rubbed their fingertips as if in awe before standing back up to their full height.

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