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"Why didn't you tell me you can't throw a punch!?"

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"Why didn't you tell me you can't throw a punch!?"

"Oh my stars it burns!"

Astra was on her knees, her fingers rubbing furiously at her face. I was yanking off the pants of the human male in front of me and Tempest was assessing the weapon that was used on Astra just moments ago.

She applied a bit of it to her fingertips before sniffing it and recoiling, "Oh shit."

I dusted off my hands, "Is it permanent?"

"It's a dust they used during the war, messes with your vision really bad and makes everything blurry," She grimaced, "It lasts long enough to be really annoying around lets say...a week?"

"A week?!" Astra wailed in response.

"Look," I began unbuttoning my pants "I just don't understand why you would throw a punch at one of them if you don't know how to- Tempest please help me out of these," She dropped the cannister she was holding and helped me shuffle out of the clothing.

"They were going to hit you in the back of the head, I just wanted to help," She explained before hissing and pulling out her hand "And now I have a swollen hand, could be broken even, I think I feel a minor fracture."

"Of course you do," I sighed, jumping a bit to put on the new set of pants "Who even punches with their thumb inside of their fist anyway?"

Tempest put a hand up "Wait don't tell me, you've never thrown a punch before either?"

The plan had meant to work smoothly, the humans came in the morning, right on schedule and Astra and I were waiting on them, ready to ambush. In a way we did accomplish what we needed to but as I was trying to subdue the humans Astra got caught in the battle and had her helmet ripped off and a strange substance sprayed on her face.

Tempest had arrived shortly to congratulate us and was met with a screaming Astra whilst I noticed that I and one of the humans were closer in size and so I was swapping some of my suit parts with theirs.

And stars these pants were so much more comfortable.

Oh, and Astra was in a lot of pain too.

"Someone pass me some water I want to try-" She started to blink viciously "Wait I think I can see again,"

I raised an eyebrow at her lifting her hands in front of her face and switching between widening and narrowing her eyes at them. "Have you checked what's underneath the door?" I asked making Tempest's eyes light up.

She turned around and kicked one of the humans over before grabbing the keys that were on the wrists. "Is the heat getting to me or is everything like super blurry right now?" Both of us ignored her as Tempest approached the latch and flicked it open.

I looked over her shoulder, peeking at it "They kinda look like...controls?"

She ran her hand gingerly over the multicolored buttons and nodded her head slowly "Controls for what?"

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