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The humans had been holding strong onto their new little tactic of the month.


Or maybe in the last couple of months, the timeline was a bit fuzzy without a tool to be able to scratch the days into the walls. It was something that brought me peace before, not the keeping track but rather the counting part of it.

It kept my mind working and reminded me I was still alive.

In its absence I found solace in counting the feathers of my wings instead, bottom to top, even the small fluffy ones you could only see if you peel the sharper ones back. Running my hands through them, bruised and battered as they were, was all I had now.

I hadn't seen food since before they locked me in this large white room and I hadn't spoken to another soul in longer. If I took in too deep of a breath I could almost feel my bones straining to escape beneath my flesh and I would sometimes whisper random words into the space so that I would not forget my voice.

I had not sung in a while, and I probably would never sing again, it was something that brought humans great joy and I cared very little to see them satisfied.

They believed they would break me, they were mistaken but it was amusing to see them try. My people are strong and I had no doubt the others were giving them worse than I was.

We'd get through this, the people of Mars would not sink into the soil and blow away.

The sound of metal sliding over itself had my ears flickering and my head lifting from its position tucked in between my knees. The first crack of light I'd seen in a while nearly blinded me and I shut my eyes so they could adjust.


English, was a language not of Mars but one they had brought to us when they first arrived in peace. I'd never found much interest in it so my understanding of it was rather surface level, something I quickly learned was stupid of me after my capture.

I shuffled myself away from the crack of light the open door brought so that I would remaind out of sight which amounted to nothing as a few seconds later a switch being flicked hit my ears and the room was engulfed in light.

"There you are."

The first smile I'd seen in forever gleamed back at me, the human teeth were straight and white, only looking brighter as they caught the light. One of his eyes was grey, the color of Mars's smaller moon, and the right one was green, like the forests of earth I'd seen in pictures.

He was tall, or maybe I was just sitting down.

But on a better day, I probably could have taken him down easy considering his leaner stature, as if he'd never worked a day in his life.

There was a tray in his hands, metal, unlike the flimsy ones they'd feed us with. He placed the tray on the ground and slid it over to me, not hard enough that it would reach me but just enough that if I shuffled closer I could reach what was on it.

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