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I felt a bead of sweat run down the side of my head as the security guard stared blankly into the tinted glass of my helmet

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I felt a bead of sweat run down the side of my head as the security guard stared blankly into the tinted glass of my helmet. He coughed slightly into his hand and rubbed his palm on his chest "Never thought I'd see the day you wore a helmet, Kofi," He nodded, allowing me into the building "You used to go on and on about how it was too tight and gave you," He snapped his fingers as if trying to remember.

"Claustrophobia?" Astra interjected.

He nodded dismissively, scanning her wrist over his security system too "That's too a big word for me to remember all the time," I was startled when he reached over his desk to pat me hard on the shoulder "But you're like a walking dictionary aren't ya Doc?"

I laughed, flicking his hand off my shoulder "You know me."

"I'm surprised to see you back here, didn't the both of you take some time off because you knocked up ole Red over here," He giggled to himself letting Astra inside, "He trapped you now didn't he Tee?"

She giggled along with him before dragging me away from his desk. I kept my eyes on him and his bright blue eyes and double chin "You know him too?" I asked, eyeing the bald spot forming at the back of his head.

"Who, Arnold?" She waved him off, "Artist from what I remember prodigy even-went to a big fancy school and everything, people thought he'd be another Da Vinci," She sighed "Not that you'd know who that is, the point is I'm even surprised he's working as a security guard here. The guy's paintings used to go for a big buck."

I shrugged "Maybe they don't need artists anymore."

"Yeah probably," She muttered distracted, I glanced at what she was looking at to see what looked like a big map of the place. My eyes ran over the many rooms and corridors, all named in bright capital neon blue letters. I quickly came to realize that there was no way I was memorizing all of that and glanced at Astra who lifted a finger and pointed at one of the rooms.

"Laboratories, you should have access there right?"

"Am I that type of Doctor?" I asked, "Wouldn't we have better luck in the infirmaries?"

She looked at me and although I couldn't see her face I could guess her expression "What could we possibly be looking for in the infirmaries?"

"What would be looking for in the labs?"

She faced the map again "I don't know, a way to get out?"

I pointed at a room on the opposite side of the building "Wouldn't that be security then?" I pointed to the room close to it "Or the engineering one, they're builders, right? Could find where they keep the ships?"

"And why would they give a Doctor access to the security rooms?" She scoffed, "We can only go so many places, Sol."

"Dr Mhklali," I corrected "And why are we just using places, I have access to? Don't you work here too?" I looked her up and down "What does a Sergeant do anyway?"

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