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I've experienced better mornings in prison

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I've experienced better mornings in prison.

The beyond damned facility never received any sunlight (due to its location in the middle of nowhere in a galaxy people forgot about) and so we never really had the sun to wake us up, no, we were just expected to get to places, and if we weren't...well.

The humans or at least the ones we'd stolen the identities of used an alarm to get them up in the morning.

An alarm strong enough to wake the dead.

So when I awoke ready for war as I assumed was the emergency I tried to sit up when I was pinned back to the bed abruptly, bringing the second surprise of the morning to my attention.

Astra was on top of me.

One arm snaked around my waist, legs tangled in between my own and her head stuffed snugly in the valley between my breasts. You would think my attempt to move out of her grasp would've woken her up and you would be sorely mistaken. She merely just muttered something unintelligible and wiggled her nose further into my chest as if trying to wriggle into my flesh further.

You couldn't fit a piece of paper between us.

"Astra," She frowned at the sound of my voice "Astra I think someone's dying." She didn't even open an eye before responding to me.

"Just a wake-up alarm," She murmured, rubbing her cheek against my boob like a satisfied pet.

We were in silence for a moment before I felt her whole body freeze up and her eyes flew open. The panic in them had me biting back a laugh as she slowly, lifted her eyes to meet mine. Unable to see them well in the darkness I reached out to switch on the lamp beside my bed and tilted my head at her.

"Enjoying yourself?"

I had never seen a person move so fast in my life, her hand even slipped on one of her cushions and she would've probably fallen off the bed altogether if not for the chain that connected us. I was quick to grab the chain and yank her back, making her hand fall on my chest to keep her stable, a hand she quickly redacted.

She began to look around frantically, her eyes still wide and embarrassed "H-how did I get there-" Her words died in her throat as she took in the scattered pillows that created the perfect pathway for her to crawl over to my side.

I stretched over to her side to grab her glasses before sitting up and sliding them up her nose as she gaped like a fish at the evidence left on the bed. "As you can see," I leaned back onto the headboard. "I'm still on my side."

Suddenly her eyes lit up and she started scrambling out of bed "The alarm! We're late!" She grabbed my wrist and yanked me out of bed too. She began to pull me to the bathroom, shoving my suit into my chest.

"Late for?" I yawned, watching her struggle to put on her pants with one hand. I chuckled eyeing her backside as she huffed, "Well if you're trying to distract me from you groping me in my sleep, consider me distracted."

"I wasn't-" Her face flushed silver "Callahway and Mhklali have jobs, Sol,"

I stopped her body from wobbling and held her steady so she could do her little jump to fit into the pants "People referred to as Doctors do tend to have one of those," I hummed zipping her back up, "What I'm failing to see is how that has anything do with us."

"If we're going to pretend to be them, we have to go the full mile, can't just steal their lives and not take responsibility for them."

"That's exactly what we don't have to do," I pointed out to her "I don't need to play doctor to get off this planet," I snorted "And I'm certainly not going to be saving any lives."

"Guys, Guys!" Astra and I both looked down at my talking clothing "You're yelling-

"Sol's never used an inside voice since I've met her."

"Both of you!" Tempest's voice cracked, exhaustion so thick in her tone that it was clear we'd woken her up "You're both yelling," She took in a deep breath "Do you have any idea what time it is right now?"

I locked eyes at Astra who looked just as blank as me, 'what time is it?' she mouthed to me to which I shrugged 'Time to wake up,' I mouthed back.

"The sun is still rising!" She answered for us, before speaking in a much softer tone "Now, unless you have something important to ask me-

"We do I was wondering if-

She cut me off "Great, so I'm going to catch up on at least five more hours of rest, I will be muting you, do not die, do not get caught, and do not lose each other," I opened my mouth to give a sarcastic reply to that but she spoke before I could "I don't care that you're chained together, if one of you dies you better wake them up," She sighed "If I don't talk to you in five hours I'm probably still asleep."

We stood in silence for a bit thinking she'd logged off until she spoke once more "Or dead."

"Astra I'm still not playing Doctor all day," I told her honestly, closing the communicator's cover "I can't pretend to have a job I've never done, much less act like a person I've never met."

"It won't be hard, Kofi was actually quite a quiet guy so you shouldn't have that much trouble being him," She paused for a second to think, "You do shut up do you?"

I frowned "And aren't you meant to be heavily pregnant right now?"

"I-" She lifted a finger before putting it down "I forgot about that."

I shook my head "Stars thee people are sick, who colonizes a planet and thinks to themselves," I put my hands on my hips and tilted my head "Why wouldn't this be a fantastic time for well, I don't know...a child!"

Astra got defensive fast "Teegan's been trying for a child long before they came here," She rubbed her arm as if I were talking about her baby personally "She's never had any luck."

I snorted, "So it was the genocide that helped her conceive," I shrugged "Figures."

"They're not as bad as you think they are," She assured me, but the more she told me that the more she sounded as if she were convincing herself and not me "I know it's hard to believe but I'm sure there has to be an explanation for this, all of this, and I'll get to the bottom of it."

"Like we don't have enough things on our plate," I clicked my helmet into place "Look Astra, why they did it is really low on my list of things I currently give a fuck about and you shouldn't care either."

"Who would I be if I didn't?"

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