love or host, and more

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yo wassup

ITS BEEN A WHILE EH? stole this idea from an AMAZING writer.

i forgor but I'll find them and update on who it is!!!!!

*ੈ✩‧₊Wilbur's POV*ੈ✩‧₊

"So Wilbur, wanna join a love or host?" Austin asked. I pondered about the question, thinking which girl it would be, or boy. I'm not picky- wait, yes I am! What if its one of my friends? Wait, why don't I just ask? I came to the conclusion, just ask who it is. "Depends. Who is it?" We we're on a simple call, no FaceTime, just discord. "It's a secret, that's what's fun about this one. We won't reveal it until you answer most of the questions and whoever the person is behind the screen, will choose who appeals to them most." I frowned, but thought about it. That would be fun, even if it's a guy I can explore something at least, well something new.  "Oh but we won't be saying what gender. At least not until the person is revealed."

I started to panic. What if it's someone I hate? Oh he wouldn't do that to me, but what if?! I started going through the bad possibilities but just came to the conclusion. It's all just for fun, so who even cares? Wait, is it scripted?  Actually, yeah is it scripted? "Hey Austin, is this gonna be scripted?" I spat out, "No, it isn't. I want actual reactions, hah." I was excited now, but that's an understatement. 


"Hello everybody! Welcome to love, or, host!! We have our love, or hostees here tonight. Everyone introduce yourselves!" Ironically, I was the only male in this love or host, so either this was a lesbian love or host, or I just got bamboozled.  They all started to introduce themselves, when it was finally my turn. "And next up we have... Wilbur!" I smiled, enjoying what I can. "Hello, so I'm pretty sure Austin fucking bamboozled me or some shit, or he tricked everyone else." I was expecting it to be not just me, but more males. "Alright enough with that, next up we ha-" He continued introducing everyone, and I knew a few from my previous love or host. 

When everyone finally got introduced, I heard the first statement, but not question. "So, we have a co-host joining us today. We have... Minx! She was a previous contender but she gave this idea." "You focking chose these people? I only see pick mes, cunts, and banana eater." Everyone was laughing, including me. "So you haven't gotten over the other love or host?" I smiled, pulling out another banana and beginning to eat it. "YOU FOCKING BITCH, STOOOOOOOP!" Everyone was laughing, "I DONT HAVE A DICK YOU BITCH!" I stopped eating the banana, to laugh. "AHEM, anyways. I did want to ask this first question, DIRECTLY TOWARDS WILBUR. Because you like eating that banana that symbolizes a DICK, would you sleep with a guy?" I heavily flustered, not expecting the question to go directly towards me. "Er-well." I was very nervous, just from a question. "Well-I mean-yeah." There was only one guy, and yet it seemed like he would never like me.

"Alright, will you reveal that person, CUNT?" I laughed, thinking about it. "I mean- only after a few rounds I guess." I began smiling, hoping Schlatt was watching the stream. I'm practically gonna confess but on a love or host, but I was planning on doing that soon anyways.  "Well, how's fifth round to confess your UNDYING LOVE DICK EATER?" She kept referring to me as a gay man, or dick eater. "Not a dick eater, but fine." Everyone was silent, but then laughing at the 'dick eater' comment. 

*ੈ✩‧₊TS, fifth question, round, yk.*ੈ✩‧₊

"So, this is the LAST ROUND! And Wilbur, go on and confess." I was a bit nervous, but ready. "Well-I mean-" But then.. "HEY WILBUR!" Now I couldn't. Schlatt, my crush, was in the call. "AND, WE JUST REVEALED WHO THIS LOVE OR HOST MAN IS!" It was Schlatt. I was competing in a love or host for Schlatt, this couldn't have been any weirder. "I'm excited to know who my best-friends crush is! And since this is a stream, I'll just go tell them anyways." Fuck, shit. He's gonna tell himself? No time for jokes though, I can't say anything now. They'll suspect me for now saying it when Schlatt was there, I don't wanna confess in FRONT of him, but I guess I was going to anyways. I sighed, unpleased with what I had said.

"So, go on Wilbur! You were just about to say it, so go on!" I frowned, being very nervous. I'm not gonna say, 'Oh well I like you' but I'll say 'I like Schlatt' depressingly. "I was gonna confess anyways, even before this love or host. Because the person I like is-" Schlatt cut me off, "NO! DONT JUST SAY IT WILBUR, MAKE IT SUPER IMPORTANT AND UNNECESSARILY SLOW!" He said, "Hell no. That just wastes time." "Alright, just say it then." I smiled, blushing lots. This is it. No going back now. "The person I like, is Schlatt." Gasps possibly heard, "AAAAWWWWW, DICK EATER LIKES HIS BEST FRIEND!" Minx said, for no reason. They probably think it's scripted anyway. And I didn't even know who I was trying to win the love or host for, so I picked host. "So I can't let myself win. I picked host, because I didn't think it would be you, Schlatt." 

Lots of awws in the chat, and in the call could be heard. "I-well-is this a-er-confession?" I smiled, "Yeah." "I DID NOT EXPECT AN ACTUAL CONFESSION, OKAY WELL LOVE OR HOST OVER WILBUR WINS, FUCK." I laughed, chuckling even. "I guess-I get my 5 million dollars." I joked, "I like you too, I guess." I was still flustered, but happy, Worth it. "5 million dollars plus a boyfriend, HELL YEAH BITCH!" I left the call, kicking Schlatt before me. 

"So? Are we boyfriends, or-" "Yeah. We are, I think?" I chuckled at his nervousness, but mostly at his uncertainty. "I-I fucking love you." "Love ya too, meet up some day?" I was excited, "Let's meet up soon, and I'm gonna fucking kiss you!" The wholesomeness I radiated was strange, but I liked it. It was like I was badboyhalo, but I swear. "See you Schlatt! Or princess, my pretty princess." "Don't you call me that, and bye Wilbur." I heard the sound of him leaving the discord call, "I got... boyfriend!" I used a victory sound effect, cackling to myself.


Hey you! Yeah you! You should translate fifty nineteen to French, in letter form. Not 50 19, FIFTY NINETEEN! And use the audio! It's actually really cool! Make sure to go to google translate!

Please. PLEASE

mother out 📸

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