bar, and more

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i got an idea for a oneshot randomly, so here i am writing about it


uhhh hybrid auuuuuu specifically schlatt


fluff 100% next one

*ੈ✩‧₊Schlatts POV*ੈ✩‧₊

My girlfriend of two years had just cheated on me, and I caught her. She tried to play it off, but the dude she was cheating on me with told me that she said she wasn't in a relationship. I immediately broke up with her, and started crying in my room. "Fuck man... maybe drinking could cheer me up?" I frowned, not wanting to repeat shit that happened before.


I had made sure to bring my phone, checking multiple times. I doubt someone's gonna do shit to me if my girlfriend cheated. I chuckled, making a joke out of my demise. I needed the phone for an uber though. I then got an uber to pick me up, "Where to?" "-random name of bar-." The man nodded and began driving. I finally arrive, thanking the man and paying for my ride. I hopped out the car, (the cadillac) ready to get wasted. The bar was packed, one seat open. I sat down, ordering (i dont know bro, beer? smth that makes u drunk asf). The bartender nodded, quickly working. I sat my head on my hands, thinking about the hellhole we call 'life'. The bartender came back with the order, asking if I will get more. "Yeah, probably a lot more. Just count how many I drank." "Alright sir, will it be the same drink? But i'll only give it to you once you finished that." "Yep." He thanked me, and quickly said, "In five minutes i'll check back, some people here drink quick as hell." I chuckled, nodding to what he said. 

In about two minutes, while being zoned out, I finished the drink. I wasn't DRUNK, but maybe near it. The bartender was serving another customer, when he looked towards me. "Alright, not bad." He said, calling another bartender to help out. "No more small talk, sorry man. Nice talking to you though, i'm Quackity." "Interesting name, i'm Schlatt." "If I see you around, i'll probably be the one to serve you." I nodded, being glad I made a new friend.


I was drunk. Flat out drunk, I couldn't think straight but was just drunk. Just a few drink- fifteen drinks. I'm not sure how i'm even able to speak, but i'm at least still aware of anything bad that could happen. I wasn't surprised that I forgot all about my girlfriend, guess drinking really does help. But then, I saw my nemesis enter the bar, Wilbur Soot. Why are we enemies? Well, we had a popularity contest, and I won. But, only because I rigged it. He would've won definitely, I wanted to piss him off but he literally just called me ugly. I'm pretty sure he was lying, and i'm prettyyy sureee he was just angry. He didn't notice me, but he probably will, and probably make a big scene. Although he is pretty hot- SCHLATT. I know you're drunk, BUT CONTROL YOURSELF.


I was up and about, ready to leave. I could barely even talk, so how do you expect me to drive. I'm getting an uber, obviously. But just before I left, I was dragged into the corner of the bar, where nobody could really see you. Someone's actually gonna do something? Man, glad I brought my phone, but they'll probably snatch it. I was a bit nervous, but my drunkness overpowers. I tried pushing, but this person was stronger than me, somehow. They were pinning me on the wall, preventing me from escaping. Fuck. I cursed in my head more than once, imagining what could happen. "Hello there darling~" He said, Shit, fuck, I repeatedly swore, like someone I know. But why'd he call me 'darling'? "Well, well, well. If it isn't Soot himself. I haven't done shit to you in years, so whats your problem?~" I slurred out, interrogating him. But I saw a smirk in the dark. "You gonna hit me or some shit?~" I slurred once more, being the slightest bit nervous. I noticed his face was near my neck, I could feel his breath. "What're you doi-ngh-" My eyes shot open right after they closed. I had moaned, to Wilbur.

I could practically hear  his smirk after he did that. "Soot, what the hell?" I was shocked, very shocked. Either he was wayyyyy  drunker than me, or he's doing it on purpose. I felt his face move from my neck, and he kissed me. I felt his tongue being rammed in, while I started moaning in this kiss. I felt his knee lift, but he let go. I was panting, drunk and flustered. "You really do melt to my touch, eh?" He said, catching me off guard with his husky voice. I didn't say anything, just looking at the floor. What embarrassed me more is that I couldn't mask any noises I made. I then felt Wilbur's face a little higher, What's he gonna do, eat my face next? I internally laughed. "So? You gonna like... do sommMFFFF-" He bit down on my (sensitive baby man half ram) ear, making me moan louder, "I'm-mmph-surp-nghhh-rised you-unnngh-haven-nnnh-said any-mmmmph-thin-nghhh-" I said, moaning between most of my words. "I could say many things on my mind, but i'll save it." He said, arousing me more. "No-eeeh-would you s-nggggghhhh-LET ME SPE-mmmpphhh-speak." He laughed, pausing his biting. "What is it?" "Say whatever you want, im intrigued."

 He bit on my neck again, smirking, "I'm not sure if you want me to stop, all I know is you're horny though, princess." "Never call me tha-aaah-" He smirked, kissing my neck. "I of course wouldn't mind fucking you hard enough to the point where you can only imagine me in your dreams, doing it all over again." He said, making my ears raise, and my tail wag more. "Wanna come to mine? And no, i'm not fucking you." I nodded, hoping i'll remember this. Wilbur was apparently sober as hell.I was thinking about things until I felt myself being carried by Wilbur. "WIL!" I screamed, absolutely flabbergasted. He gave me a peck on the lips before putting me in passenger seat and driving home. Before I knew it, I was on his bed, cuddled up to his chest. Not much of an enemies to lover arc, but more like one sided belief of being enemies, but the other has a fat crush. He whispered sweet nothings into my ear before kissing me on the top of my head, and sleeping. I followed along with this, and fell asleep.

*ੈ✩‧₊Wilburs POV*ੈ✩‧₊


no xtra part for this : ..,(

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