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After Arabella's thrilling confrontation with Tom, she decided she needed some blood in her system

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After Arabella's thrilling confrontation with Tom, she decided she needed some blood in her system. So, instead of going back to the common room like intended, she apparated out of Hogwarts.

Arabella was an exception to the anti-dissaperation enchantments that prevented students from apparating and dissaperating on Hogwarts grounds because she was, essentially, dead.

Arabella, still dressed in her dinner clothes, landed in the middle of the Albanian Forest. She walked around before she finally spotted a white bunny beside a bush. Slowly, she crept towards the bunny, before she quickly sped at it and caught it, quietly casting the killing curse on it. Her wand was not tracked by the ministry at all. She had made sure of that decades ago.

Arabella moaned out in delight when her eyes grey began to darken and veins started to form. Her gums began to expand, revealing her sharp fangs and though it was painful the first time, she had done it so much it was no longer an issue.

It was wonderful, like a nostalgic scent you can't place. It brought her back to the times she had massacred towns and cities, drunk under the taste of blood. It almost felt like home.

But, as Arabella sunk her teeth into the bunny, there was something off. There had been something off for 44 years, really. Every time she drank animal blood there had been something off. It was dull, unexciting. She craved the sweet taste of human blood. The thick scent. It was heavenly, beyond anything any human could even comprehend. It was like cold water on a hot day or exisiting off of nothing but sweet desserts.

She yearned for that feeling and everyday she swore to herself that Albus would have to live the same fate as her one day. He would get what was coming.


When Arabella arrived back at Hogwarts, it was early Saturday morning and her dorm-mates were sleeping in, like most of the other students. She quickly changed into a dress and made her way out the common room and past Tom and his gang, ignoring his questioning eyes. Arabella had a plan.


Albus Dumbledore sat at his desk grading papers when Arabella Chambers barged in without knocking. She inspected the disorganised office, eyeing the new herb on Albus's desk. It was vervain.

Vervain was a potent herb and a vampires greatest weakness. It was put in place by God to weaken Arabella's abilities. If Arabella were to ever make physical contact with vervain in any form, it would burn her. If she were to ingest vervain, her throat would burn and she would become feverish and extremely weak, eventually dying. And then coming back to life, somewhere far away from where she had died and much weaker than before. It would take months to heal and return to her normal self.

If a human or wizard had any form of vervain on or in them, Arabella's ability to control, compel and drink them would not work. Albus was prepared.

"Hello, Albus," Arabella addressed. "I see you're... stocked up."

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